Meet The VK'S (although you already know them)

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    It's been 15 years since my dad found me. Well found is the right word exactly more like was burrdoned with me. I only got to go outside the Cathedral when we needed food or on Sunday ironically. I guess he didn't want the devil's spawn (one of the colorful nicknames he has given me) in the house of worship on the day of worship or something, but hey I made some great friends on my free day!

     It sucks being Frollo's daughter. It doesn't help that I'm kept inside all the time and am basically as white as a ghost. I have to wear sunglasses when I'm outside because the sun is too bright for my eyes. I'm given pretty much no freedom because of Quasimodo. Do I blame him a little yes but I can't entirely my dad sucks! I need him though he's the only one who will take care of me. And before you say stalkholm syndrome (spelling?) I've asked no one else's parents will take me, no one will hide me, and I don't have the skills to live on the streets so yeah I'm stuck with my dad who makes my life worse than Quasimodo's. Like I said he is kinda to blame.

     It's one of those Sundays where I got kicked out of the cathedral. Literally I was grabbing my sunglasses, I still don't know where I got them from, when Frollo starts kicking the back of my legs pretty hard might I add screaming '"LEAVE DEVIL! YOU ARE NOT WELCOME IN THE HOUSE OF GOD!"' at the top of his lungs. Who needs bells when my dad's screaming will tell you the time and day am I right?

     Anyway I was walking through the town when I heard a familiar sound of sticks on pipes and singing. I giggle to myself as I realize they are singing our song. I see by the time I get down to where my friends are that there is a crowd gathered by them. I slowly dance my way through the crowd to the point where I am directly behind them. As they finish and the crowd disperses the song one steals a lollipop from a small toddler in a  wagon and cackles victoriously.

Allow me to introduce you to the gang

Mal- daughter of Maleficent

    Evie- daughter of the Evil Queen

     Carlos- son of Cruella De Vil

Jay- son of Jafar

You may be asking yourself why a poor good for nothing teen was able to befriend the badest most feared kids on the Isle. Truth be told I have no idea how I did it it just kinda happened. Now that everyone has met back to the story.

    Mal's mother shows up as the crowd scatters. She may not have magic but Maleficent is still scarey my friends don't underestimate her. "Stealing Candy Mal I'm so disappointed" her mother calls out to her.

     "It was from a baby!" Mal replies hoping that she will earn her mom's approval.

    "That's my nasty little girl." Said Maleficent in an approving tone as she took the lollipop. She then spit on it and suck it in her arm pit for a few seconds. Ew look lady I know you're the mistress of evil but evil and cruel are two different things. Giving it to her henchmen she said in a bored tone "give it back to the dreadful creature." Honey if that's what you think of kids why did you have one in the first place huh?

    Mal looked slightly disappointed. "Mom-" she started to complain bit was quickly cut off by her mother.

    "It's the dets Mal that make the difference between mean and truly evil." She finished in a sing-song voice as she waved at the mother and child of the lollipop prank as I'm calling it now. As they pass she continues on her rant toward Mal "when i was your age I was cursing entire kingdoms" She says wistfully as Mal mouths along with her. Maleficent sees her daughter mouthing along and chuckles in a way that makes my skin crawl. I've heard that laugh before it never ends well. "Walk with me she directs at her daughter." They walk out of earshot. Mal looks nervous and kinda scared, Evie, Jay and Carlos all looked worriedly at eachother and the scene before them but before any if can do anything Maleficent shout in glee and spinning around " Oh there's news you five" She points at us. The other four turn around to see me standing there, " have been chosen to go to a different school. A new school in Aruadon."

    We cry out in protest. Well me and Mal. The other 3 cry out in joy. Mal stops them and says "what no I'm not going to some school filled with prissy pink princesses"

    "And perfect princes" Evie continues in a dreamy voice. But them covers it up with a sound if disgust as Mal looks at her in disbelief.

   "Yeah and I don't do uniforms. Unless it's leather you feel me" Jay says trying to crack a joke but no one laughs. Wrong timing Jay.

    Carlos then steps forward and joins in with "I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Aruadon. Mom says they are visous pack animals that eat boys who misbehave...." He trails off at the end and Jat starts Barking at him scaring Carlos out of his mind. I step forward and smack Jay so he can knock it off.

    "Yeah mom we're not going" Mal argues with Maleficent.

    Maleficent shoots back with " you're thinking small pumpkin it's all about world domination. KNUCKLEHEADS" She calls out and walks away with her henchmen following behind. She then turns around and calls for her daughter who reluctantly follows in disbelief.

    The rest of us join. I went with to where they all live because Sunday I can't very well go back to the church. We still were on the subject of Aruadon. Maleficent explains her plan to us. We'll more like demands it of us. "You will go to Aruadon. You will find the fairy godmother, and you will bring me back the magic wand. Easy peasy."

   "What's in it for us?" Mal questions.

    "Matching crowns, hers and hers crowns" Maleficent jokes.

     "I think she ment us." Carlos says gesturing to the five of us.

     Maleficent then stood up and motioned for Mal to come closer. "It's all about you and me baby. Don't you like seeing innocent people suffer?" She questions. I for one don't but that's just cause I'm innocent and suffering. Of course according to my dad I'm not innocent so yeah I mean he's always right about everything st least he has been so far.

    Mal nods "Well yeah who doesn't-" but was quickly cut off by her mom again.

     "Well then get me the wand and you'll see that and so much more. With that wand and my scepter I'll be able to bend both good and evil to my will!" Wow what a bad guy speech. The thing about bending good to your will though then it's no longer good.

    The Evil Queen but in and added "Our will" apperently she was used to correcting this. Cruella and Jafar looked away from their kids to agree with this correction.

    "Our will, our will" Maleficent corrected. "And if you don't your grounded for the rest of your life missy" Maleficent snaps her fingers almost like she's begging Mal to talk back.

    "Wh- mo-" Mal started but was stopped again by her mother as they entered one of their staring contests. Mal didn't have the strength to keep going and lost. "Fine. Whatever."

    "I win" Maleficent glotted as all the others were called to their parents.  Evie went to her mom, Carlos to his, and Jay to his dad. They all talked about what they either did this morning or what they would do if their kid was at Arudon. I sat quietly on the couch.

       "Hey Luc you've been pretty quiet about this." Carlos points out in concern.

     "Yeah you're usually quiet but not this quiet what's up?" Evir asks.

     "It's nothing" I murmur.

     "Yeah right it's nothing come on tell us what on your mind" Jay insists. By now their parents were listening to the conversation too.

     "Fine." I sigh "it's my dad. Once he finds out he's literally gonna try and kill me. He'll think I'm trying to escape God's plan for me or something and I won't be able to move for a week." I explain looking down sadly. Everyone on the Isle knew what my dad did to me. Even the adults gave me looks of pity and sometimes disgust when I walked down the street.

    "Oh right." They all breathed out.

    "It's OK I'll tell him anyway it's not like you can disobey the king right?" I joked in a cheery voice trying to lighten the mood. On the inside I was dying. What in the world would he do when he found out.

An: Hey guys sorry it took so long. Hope you like it so far. Feedback is appreciated so don't hesitate to comment or something! I didn't think we need how they got picked but if you guys want it just ask and I'll add it in the next chapter or add a mini one or something. Have a great day!!

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