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Evie's Pov:

"There's no way we are just going to give Uma the wand we can't just let her destroy Auradon!" I argue after Mal tells us everything.

Carlos, Jay and I start bickering when Mal interrupts "Guys! Your 3D printer!"

"A phoney wand." Carlos catches on.


"I could do that in my sleep." Carlos responds.

"Yeah and the second Uma tests it out she'll know it's fake." I pester.

"OK so we just get Ben out really fast. We'll need some kind of diversion." Mal plans.

"Smoke bombs!" Jay blurts out.

"That's perfect!" I agree. "I can get the chemicals from Lady Tremaine's place that could work." I walk up to mal and take a glance at her hair "Oh and sick hair by the way evil stepmom has seriously stepped up her game."

"OK you want to know something. Dizzy did this." Mal says excitedly.

"Little Dizzy shut up." I start to freak out. I feel so proud of her right now!

"I know I'm like loving it it's so much lighter."

"I'm really proud of her" I state looking over Mal's hair.

Jay coughs and Carlos calls out hello both looking at us in disbelief. "Right" I whisper getting my head back in the game.

"Carlos, Jay you have to meet us at pirate's bay no later than noon. And you guys loosing? Not an option." Mal declares then brings something back up that makes us all smile a little. "Cause we're rotten."

"To the core" we all reply back.

"Let's do this." I call out as Mal and I make our way to Curl and Dye.


We walk in and Dizzy is busy working on a headband to see me. So I decided to suprise her. Both Mal and I sneak up behind her. She turns her head and yells out in joy "Evie? Evie you came back!"

"Hey so great to see you too." Mal sarcasticly says and then starts to walk around uncomfortable.

"Is it all like we imagined? Do they really have closets you can walk into? Have you been to a real swimming pool? What does ice cream taste like?"

I was so bombarded with questions but I answered the last one " it's cold and sweet and if you eat it too fast you get a headache."


"Yeah" I answer with a small smile.

"I saved your sketchbook for you!" Dizzy states proudly.

"You did?" I ask in disbelief. "Dizzy oh my gosh." I start to flip through in nostalgia. "I made this dress out of old curtains and safety pins."

"It reminds me of the dress you made for Mal when she met Jasmine." Dizzy looks at it.

"I spilled curry all over that." Mal commented.

"You did." We laughed.

"You're right Dizzy this was totally the inspiration for that." I gaze at it in pride.

"I knew it! You can take the girl out of the Isle but you can't take the Isle out of the girl!" Dizzy declares.

I look back at her then at some of the accessories she made. "Is this too much or is this fabulous?" I ask her holding a plastic heart gem with a crown to a crossed golden band.

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