Grabbing the Wand.... Or Not

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      Nightfall came and I was able to walk by myself yay! I didn't need my glasses either it was dark enough my eyes agusted just fine.

      We walked into the boys' dorm room. Jay was emptying his pockets no surprise there sbd Carlos was playing what looked like a game maybe. "What are you doing?" Mal asked Jay.

      "It's called Stealing. You see it's like buying whatever I want but it's free."

       "Well you can leave this here and pick it up when we I don't know take over the world." Mal says clearly not amused.

       "You sound just like your mom." Evie critics.

       Mal obviously took that as a compliment. "Thank you" She says in mock kindness. I sit on a bed and kinda zone out for a while they are all doing this to prove they are good or well bad enough to their parents. I'm here because well I was chosen to come. There's nothing I can prove to dad he just hates me. But I'll do anything I can to help my friends prove themselves to their parents. They still have hope I'm gonna help make sure thar stays there.

     I tune back in as Carlos searches the museum. "It is 2.3 miles from here." He states in pride.

     "OK let's go" Mal says and runs off down the hall. We all follow her.

      We get to the museum and look in the locked door. The guard spins around and we all duck out of view. Once his back is to us again we see Maleficent's spinning wheel. "That's you mother's spinning wheel?" Jay asks as he fails to keep his laughter in.

      "Yeah looks kinds dorky." Carlos joins in. 

      "It's Magic it doesn't have to look scary." Mal defends.

     "Yeah guys keep up. You really think  Aurora would approach something thar looks threatening let alone prock her finger?" No wonder Mal is the brains of the operation." I sass.

     "Thank you Lucy now let's see" She flips through her spell book and activates the wheel. Jay and Carlos keep mocking it until it works.

      "See guys innocent is threatening. Why do you think they let us in here? Because the villian kids are innocent we didn't do anything." I stopped their mocking right there. "Now let's find that wand."

      Mal opens the door with magic letting Jay fall to the ground because he tried to kick the door down. We all laugh and walk inside.

      After searching the galleries we find the hall of villians. We all stop and stare at our parents in fear at least I think that's what we all were in emotionally. I was verging on a panic attack when Evie took my arm and said "Come on the wand this way." Mal stayed behind I didn't blame her. She is the one with the most to loose after all. Carlos calms me down as we wait for Mal to catch up by the wand.

      Once she rejoins the group we stare in aw at the wand. It's covered in a force field but Jay apperently didn't notice because he ignored Mal and I's  protests and continued to try and steal it setting off an alarm when he touched the force field.

      We sprinted out which trust was more difficult for me than can be put into words. Carlos stopped the alarm and played it off as a malfunction. "Nice job Carlos" I say with an approving look.
      "Thanks" He says to me. He looks at the rest as he walks out "a thank you would be nice." He exasperated. I roll my eyes he got one from me right. Was that not good enough?

      "Thanks Jay now we have to go to school tomorrow." Mal says sarcastically. I said that in my head Jay may tease but give him a hard time and it gets to the point where it triggers my survival instincts so to say. Well I guess I'm going to remedial goodness 101 tomorrow.

An: I don't know whether it's good or bad I stopped in the middle of the movie to go to a friend's house. I probably would have finished movie one of the book haha! Anyway feedback is welcome, I like hearing from you guys. Suggestions also welcome if you have an idea shoot there is time to kill before love potion and coronation so feel free to give me a filler. Bye til next time!!

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