Pay Back

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I was hiding behind a tree looking at my four friends longingly. I wanted to be over there by them I wanted to say it would be OK but I knew it wouldn't end well. I lost Quinn and Xavier a while back I just wanted to be alone right now.

Ben walked up to the group with a cheery face "Hey guys how is everyone?" He asked seeing their downcast faces he knew a smile wouldn't fix everything. " Hey listen forget about it alright it's nothing forget about it let it go." Obviously he didn't know how offensive, rude, and disgraceful that was. He also apperently didn't know how things work on the Isle this is not getting let go. He whispered something to Mal then walked off. I see mean girl and her gang of goons behind them. I get prepared to jump in and intervene if needed.

Doug I think his name is from the tour walked over and looked like he was trying to apologize to Evie until some if the obviously more popular students called him over to their table. Oh I am so going to get them back Isle style soon. "How long does she think that's going to last? Mal's just the bad girl infatuation." Audrey says cruelly. Oh I can't wait to show her bad girl what makes it better is when fairy godmother daughter Jane joins in.

"Yeah I mean he's never gonna make a villian a queen." She jeers. Oh I will show them villian. This is going to be so fun. Especially since the coronation is tomorrow.

They all cackle and walk away. Mal obviously is fed up and flips through her spell book. Ya! You go get em girl! A muttering of a spell then a scream is heard. I cackle from my hiding place. Mal undid Jane's hair haha serves her right! Everyone else laughs at Jabe too. The four stand up and look at the "heros" "there's  a lot more where that came from." Mal states calmly but full of anger.

"Excuse me who do you think you are?" Mean girl sasses trying to intimidate. Obviously she doesn't know where we are from either trying to intimate Mal like that please. "First you mess with my grandma making a scene, then that little friend of yours screams at everyone obviously I need to show her her place again, now threatening us with spells you really are "bad". She says with air quotes around bad.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" Mal asks flipping through her book sending them all screaming. Turning back to the others she says "I'm really looking forward to tomorrow." Slamming her book. "Let's grab thar wand and blow this popsicle stand." They all walk off to the school.


That night instead of sleeping I stayed up and made payback plans. Mainly for Audrey and Chad but I have one for Jane too if needed. For Audrey I have a humidifier I'm putting in her room along with a bunch of long live evil merch I've made on the Isle to top it off she's getting a note. Chad is also getting a note and long live evil objects but for a personal touch he's getting a bunch of achievements he's done vanished. Oh no it's almost like they didn't exist.

How am I pulling all this off you ask? Won't I need a key? Well let's just say in my days of hiding I befriended the shadow man's daughter. While he can't do voodoo magic he does have other regular objects that work like it. For example a skeleton key. His daughter said he had plenty and gave me one so I could sneak out if I needed to. Let's just say it works.

Now I'm not an idiot I've looked and made some friends especially after the fight with security. They gave me the run down on the system after lights out because it's a school of good guy's kids they cameras go off and only patrols watch the hallways. Acting like an innocent victim I also got the patrol schedules. I'm also wearing gloves so they can't find finger prints. Hey I said I wasn't my dad not that I didn't know how to be a villian I was raised on the Isle after all.

I did Audrey first. It was a little difficult to sneak a humidifier into her room but I did it. Not only that but I was able to hide it so it seems accidental. The long live evil stuff well thst was all over I taped the note to her vanity mirror.

By now you have seen your room. Well that's what you get for being an evil little brat. I know who you might have thought did this but no it wasn't Mal, Evie, Jay, or Carlos. They are innocent and have no idea this happened. I did this so that you feel a fraction of the pain you inflicted on them. Report this and it gets worse.

   An anonymous bystander

With Audry done it was time for Chad. I grabbed all Awards with his name and throw them in the back dumpster one at a time. Then rearrange the case so it doesn't look like any are missing. The garbage gets taken out at 1 in the morning. I look outside to see them take it away right on schedule. Slipping in his room I scatter the rest of my long live evil objects around his room and post his note on his 3D printer in the center of his room.

I bet as you read this you have discovered something with your room. There is another suprise waiting for you but I tell you it wouldn't be a suprise now would it? Jay, Carlos, Evie and Mal had nothing to do with this. They were sleeping as I did this. They will have no idea what happened. This is your punishment for all your wrong doings especially with what happened yesterday. Now you will feel a fraction of their pain. Report this and it will get worse.

An anonymous bystander

After my work was done I went back into my room. And slept the remaining 6 hours until my alarm went off to get ready at 7:30. I've done much more than go to a coronation on less sleep so I'll be fine. I smile as I drift off to sleep thinking about the chaos that will endure in the morning.

An: Hey guys I hope y'all liked the pranks? I guess you could call them. First movie almost done. Any questions, comments, or otherwise feel free to comment I like hearing from ya. Until next time!

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