Kingnapping Really Guys?

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An: I am so sorry for the long wait!!! Btw you guys suck at feedback

Mal's Pov

I was in our hideout spray painting while I waited for Lucy to come back from Curl and Dye. It's been awhile but I assume Dizzy got caught up showing her E's design book.

I go back to spray painting when a voice startles me. "At least I don't see a picture of me with horns and a pitchfork."

I gasp and turn around to see Ben standing there fiddling with his fingers nervously. "Ben" I breathe out. He attempts to wake forward but I hold my hands out signaling him to stop.

"Mal I am so sorry about our fight. It was all my fault. It- please come home." Ben apologizes and holds out the ring he gave me at his coronation.

I climb down from the ledge I was standing on before speaking "Ben I am home." I hoped he would understand it was just too much back in Auradon with them expecting things out of me that I wasn't.

"I ah brought the limo. It's a sweet ride." He attempts again to get me to come back or to at least make me smile.

"I don't fit in Ben. I really gave it my best shot, but if you think I can change I think your wrong." I told him hoping that he would forget me and go back home. Instead the opposite happened.

"Then I'll change! I'll skip school, have more fun, I'll blow off some of my responsibilities." He negotiated. This was exactly what I didn't want to happen.

"No! See I've been such a terrible influence. It's only a matter of time before I do something so messed up that not only does the kingdom turn on me they turn on you!" I try again to send him away with tears in my eyes.

"Don't quit on us Mal!" Ben begs and takes my hand placing the ring in it. "The people love you. I love you. Don't you love me?" He questions.

I pick up the ring smiling at the memories it held but quickly placed it back in Ben's hand unsure of how to answer him because of course I loved him! I loved him more than anything and that's the problem because I knew it was the same way he felt about me, and I couldn't have that get him into trouble. "I have to take myself out of the picture because it's what's best for you and for Auradon." I reply.

Ben tried to protest but I shut him down. "I can't do this." I say and walk away from him back to my mural I was painting on the wall. "You should go Ben. Please leave." I beg the tears in my eyes threatening to spill as I watch the light of my life walk away full of dark and sadness. All of it caused because of me.

Jay's Pov:

After waiting awhile Ben finally comes back down. We all get up eager for the news he had.

"Well?" Evie asks.

"She's not coming back." Ben answers dejected.

"I'll talk to her." Evie declares and marched over to the device that allows us to talk to the others in the hideout.

"M? Mal it's Evie. Let me just talk to you for a second. " She tries to coax Mal to talk. "Mal come on."

"GO AWAY!" says Mal from the other end cleary upset from what had transpired with Ben.

"Let's give her a couple hours to cool off." I suggest.

"Guys!" Carlos' utgent tone immediately gets our attention. "Where's Ben?"

We start to frantically look around we were so preoccupied we didn't notice Ben had walked off. I didn't even get to ask about Luc.

Suddenly we see a figure walking toward us. "Ben?" Evie asks cautiously.

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