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Jay's POV

I'm aware that Jake and Sunghoon's following me behind so, I better stop and wait for them since, that's what gonna happen few moments later.

"Jay! Wait up!"

See. Just what I expected.

"What are you gonna say this time to me? Convince me again that Jungwon's innocent after what I saw, huh?" I spoke when they're close enough to hear me.

"Not anymore 'cause we're freaking tired of convincing you" Sunghoon said.

"As you should since, I won't believe it especially now that I confirmed it with my own eyes" I responded.

"Aren't you going to tell us what happened?" Jake asked.

"Jungwon's the person behind and he has my pictures that he used saved in his phone. That's it" I said.

"Apologize to Jungwon" Sunghoon said.

"For what? For breaking his plan to manipulate me?" I sarcastically said.

Jake sighed deeply. "Apologize for pushing him and triggering his fear of blood!" He even raised his voice.

"Come on. We're not even sure if that's true" I said.

"Just you, don't count us in" Sunghoon said.

"Tss. Whatever. Why are you even teaming up against me when you're supposed to take my side?" I asked them.

"Not this time, Jay" Sunghoon spoke.

"We're not here to convince him again, Hoon. Let him realize everything" Jake stopped Sunghoon and I immediately shook my head and smirked.

"I already realized that Jungwon lied to me all this time" I replied.

"Then, what did you feel?" Jake asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"What did you feel when you saw your pictures in Jungwon's phone? That should be an honest answer, Jay" Sunghoon asked clearly.

Honestly, from the time that Daniel kid pushed me to suspect Jungwon, I don't really suspect Jungwon because, I trust that Jungwon can't do that after all he did for me.

I was so preoccupied every night what I'll do if it's really Jungwon but, when Jake and Sunghoon told me their thoughts and when they tried to convince me helped my mind to relax that time. So, I tried to convince myself that it's not Jungwon by asking Jungwon random questions about it.

I see that Jungwon don't have any idea what I was talking about that time but, he looks a little tensed so, I continued suspecting him.

After what happened today, my mind's really clouded with mix emotions and I don't know who will I trust.

"See. You're also thinking about it. Listen to your heart, Jay" Sunghoon spoke.

"We'll let you think about it, Jay. We know you're also denying deep inside that your Choco ball won't do that to you, right?" Jake said with an emphasis to the word 'Choco ball' to tease me.

Deal | JayWon FFWhere stories live. Discover now