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Someone's POV

"What is it that you want to talk about?" He said when the person he's expecting barged in.

"They're now officially together" The latter said irritably.

"Who? Jay and Jungwon?" He asked.

"Freaking yes!" The latter replied. "This is your fault! You should've come with me on that stupid field trip and not just sit here!"

I scoffed. "You said you can handle it and you don't need me there"

"Argh! You're not helping! You just spend some time with that friend of yours, even go to a beach?!"

"Why do you always involve my friend here?! It's not my fault if you can't separate Jay and Jungwon" I hissed.

"We have to destroy them! You're closer with that Yang Jungwon so, better do something" The other added and left.

Jay's POV

I was so taken aback for what Jungwon just did. I even heard a small chuckle from him and so, I opened my eyes only to meet his.

"Why did you close your eyes, hmm? I was just trying to whisper something" He teased and stood straight so I heaved a breath to get rid of the tension.

"Nothing" I responded, acting unaffected. "You're way too brave these days, love" I whispered under my breath.

"I can hear you!" He said while focusing on his laptop, so I can't help but let out a laugh at that. "Be careful. You haven't seen the bravest of me, my Jongseong" He added and smirked.

I can't with this kitty.

Deal | JayWon FFWhere stories live. Discover now