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The second the first years arrived, all whispers broke out. Harry could catch a few of them. They were betting on who would get into which house and what name fit who best. Some of them whispered about 'the tall guy'. To be fair, out of everyone in the group, Harry stuck out like a sour thumb. He was at the least almost a full head taller than everyone. Even taller people like Ron and Draco blended in with the rest of the kids compared to harry. Other than that the sorting went on like usual.

This time, Harry wasn't going to refuse the hat's offer. "POTTER, HARRISON!" McGonagall called. Harry walked up to the stool and placed the hat, which seemed to almost fit, on his head. The sorting lasted a long time, with the hat recognizing it was Harry on his second time around and then chatting about what happened. Near the end, the hat went "Harry, I believe you know what I'm going to say next, but I think you'd do well in slytherin. You might as well have a friend there who'll need you."

Harry glanced over to the Slytherin table where a little blonde boy was watching intently, hope gleaming in his eyes. Harry's heart skipped a beat at the sight of the adorable small boy. ...adorable? Whatever. Just continue. Though Draco was tall compared to others, he was still a head shorter than Harry. "Slytherin it is." He said, a slight smile on his lips. So, the hat yelled "Slytherin!" After minutes of sitting on the stool. Harry gave the hat to McGonagall, who seemed in shock, and ran to sit down right beside Draco.

"Hey Dracoooo." He smiled at the smaller boy. "Hey Harry." Draco smiled hugely. They talked throughout the whole feast, uninterrupted except for when a third year girl came over and handed Harry a slip of paper with her phone number on it. Harry and Draco both laughed it off, but for some reason Draco felt a small twang of jealousy. Once the feast was finished Draco and Harry made their way to the common room with the rest of the first years led by the prefects.

They tried to stick together but both got drowned in the crowd quite quickly. "Draco?" Harry asked, noticing his friend wasn't there. "I'm ok!" He yelled from further away. Harry made his way through the crowd like an easy people divider and grabbed Draco's hand. "Come on, stay with me." Harry told him as he linked their fingers and led Draco back to the middle of the crowd. Both boys seemed to enjoy this, as they did not let go of each other's hands until they reached their shared dorm.

Four beds, the two closest to the window taken up by Draco and Harry. Soon after they settled, two other Slytherin boys walked into the room. One was Blaise Zabini, and the other was Theodore Nott.

"Hey. I'm Draco." Draco introduced himself, sticking his hand out for the other two boys to shake. "Blaise." One with caramel skin and eyes replied, shaking Draco's hand. "Theo." The blond said, shaking Draco's hand after it was freed from Blaise's. "I hope we can all become friends. Maybe we should spend tonight getting to know each other, what do you think?" Draco asked the two. It seemed the group had completely forgotten about the other boy in the room who was still unpacking.

"Brilliant." Blaise replied as Theo nodded in agreement. Minutes later they had dragged pillows and blankets to the floor and created a comfortable little nest-shaped make-shift couch on the floor. All boys except one were sitting inside the nest made of grey and green pillows and blankets. They were all watching the only boy not in the circle expectantly. "I'm coming. I'm coming." Harry sighed as he grabbed his pillow and sat down right beside Draco.

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