Chapter Two

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Victoria, James and their newborn baby sat at the simple, yet elegant, dinning table to take their meal, the servants setting the food at the table. Their home wasn't the most grand by far, but it wasn't the most horrible either, it was perfectly balanced between the two. As the servants set the food Victoria, holding their child still, gazed out the window. The sun had just begun to disappear behind the hills. Turning the sky into a kaleidoscope of colors; reds, pinks and some specs of blue were all mixed perfectly in the sky, not a cloud to cover this masterpiece Mother Nature graced them with, nearby she could see two ravens in a tree with their two children and smiled.

She then turned her head to gaze around the room. The fireplace next to them was made by James himself. Very irregular in it's shape, it made a half oval shape with a shelf above the top. A small slab of concrete before it, a very light grey that looked almost white compared to the deep red wood it was constructed with, a warm fire blazed inside, filling the room with it's warmth and the smell of burning wood. The dinning room itself was very open and inviting, with two huge windows that faced the hills. The curtains that hung their were a dim emerald green with golden stitching through out it. The table was made of the same deep red colored wood as the fireplace, complimenting it nicely. A table in the corner held candles of different scents,

Victoria always loved the new smells she would find on her trips to the market. one of the servants, Victor, walked over to the table and asked for their wine selection for the evening, when suddenly the windows flew open and a huge wind blew through the room, somehow powerful enough to extinguish the fire and knock over the table of candles. The couple looked at each other slightly frightened while the servants cleaned the mess.

They were just finishing up when the baby began to cough, with a worried look on her face Victoria asked for Ellen to bring in the small crib for the baby. A simple, painted white crib with white laced sheets and a small pillow was brought into the room.

"Let me take her mistress, you must be starving after the day you've had" Ellen said with a faint smile towards her.

Victoria trusted Ellen with her own life so it was no surprise, not any hesitation, when she handed her the baby. Her baby WAS her life, her everything, her beautiful jewel...


"Now who could that be at this hour? Victor! Get the door!" James commanded and he took a sip of his wine.

The baby continued to cough and was now wailing and crying, Ellen trying to sooth her to sleep, but the baby continued. Victoria looked at her precious child then looked to Ellen,

"What is wrong with her?" She asked curiously.

Ellen turned to her and said, "She seems to have something wrong with her heart, but my magic isnt strong enough to counteract it, I'm sorry..." she bowed her head and Victoria could practically hear her thoughts

She's dying

Victoria wouldn't believe that! She refused to give up her first child! Making cooing noises at her baby, Victoria didn't notice Victor coming back into the room followed by quiet footsteps.

"An Erik Masters is here sir" Victor announced as the stranger entered the room.

Victoria couldn't breathe as he took in the sight of the man. His jet black hair was slicked back, not a single hair out of place. His chiseled facial features looked godly, no words would them justice. He wore a nice crisp, clean-cut suit with a dark purple jacket and tie. His dark skin was a stark contrast to the white paint forming a skeletal mask around his eyes.

"I'm sorry to interrupt your meal, I do hope you pay me no mind. You see I'm a doctor of sorts and I heard you had just given birth and was wondering if you required assistance, no?" His voice had a slight accent, yet Victoria could hear an off tone in his voice.

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