Chapter Nine

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Raven awoke sometime in the late morning. Still feeling the shocks of her dream she slowly got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom connected to her own room. Filling the large tub with warm water and some oils that smelled like lavender she quickly washed up and began to get dressed.It was then a knock sounded at her door and a girl came in. She was small and petite but what was strange was the pale blue skin, cobalt hair and striking blue eyes.

"Hello miss, I'm here to help you dress."

Raven nodded and selected her dress for the day, being helped into it, the young blue girl buttoning the bodice and helping her into her shoes.

"Will that be all miss?" She asked.

"Yes, thank you." Raven responded.

Shortly after that, Raven left her room in search of the kitchen. After getting lost twice and almost walking to the other side of the large fortress she found the kitchen. The cook was an elderly man with white facial hair and a bright smile. He showed her a menu and told her to choose whatever she wanted. She selected a few things and was told to sit in the other room.

Making her way through the door she gasped when she opened it. For there sat Nyx, reading a book with the same glasses on from last night, in her dream. Blushing at the memory she smiled at the woman.

"Good morning" Raven spoke softly

"Mind if I join you?"

Nyx glanced up from her book and spoke kindly. "Not at all dear, please sit"

Raven nodded and sat in the chair across from Nyx. She couldn't help but stare at the older woman near her. Her hair was up in a sort of messy bun and her glasses sat lightly on her petite nose. Her eyes darted back and forth reading quickly. The cook brought in some tea with milk and honey,

Raven eagerly got herself a cup and began to drink. A few minutes went by and then Nyx let out a long breath. Setting the book down she removed her glasses and pinched her nose before asking,

"Did you sleep well?" choking on her tea a bit, Raven set her cup down,

"Uhm yes, yes I did, thank you" a smirk went across Nyx's face, like she knew something Raven didn't.

"Oh well great, I was thinking about showing you my library today, would you be interested in that?"

Nyx looked at the girl waiting for her answer. A playfulness danced in her eyes as she sat and waited.

"Oh.. Yes, of course ma'am that would be nice." She smiled shyly at the woman.

Does she know about my dream somehow?

There's no way..

But still...

"Please dear, ma'am is so formal. Nyx is just fine." the woman smiled brightly at the young woman, making her feel butterflies in her stomach.

Just then the cook came in and gave them their meal and more tea.

"Will there be anything else, mistress?" He asked the question pointed at Nyx.

"No, that will be all Crow thank you."

He smiled at them both and bowed before heading back to the kitchen. Raven made a mental note to remember his name. They ate in comfortable silence, a few minutes went by and they were both done. Another small woman came in to collect their plates. She was short too with short brown hair, mocha skin and hazel eyes. She got the plates and before she could leave she dropped them.

"Oh no!" she yelped before they smashed onto the floor near Raven's feet.

Not even thinking Raven stood up to help the poor girl. "Here let me- ouch!"

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