Chapter Nineteen

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If anyone was close to the library they could hear the moans of the two women inside. They shared earth shattering kisses and hands roamed over curves. Raven wanted to show Nyx that she was safe, that she had gotten to her in time. Nyx pulled back to look Raven in her eyes.

"You're really okay? This isn't some dream? I'm really holding you in my arms again?" Nyx asked these things, knowing the answer but needing to hear it.

Raven smiled, "Yes, I'm okay, I'm here with you, and I only want to be with you..."

Nyx sucked in a breath, "Even though I've taken you from your home and forced you to live here?"

Is that what this is about?

She blames herself.

Raven reached up to cup Nyx's cheek, holding her chin up.

"You saved me from a boring life I would have been forced to live, I don't regret coming here, my heart is happy and... Full. I.."

Nyx looked at Raven, urging her to continue. "I've found a home, I love you Nyx.."

With those few words, Nyx's heart felt full once again and she leaned in to kiss Raven.

"You don't know everything and yet you trust me with your heart? You sweet girl, you are too good for me.." Raven smiles and looks at Nyx's lips.

Nyx sees this and leans down to capture her lips once more, feeling a bit more confident, Raven pulls back to speak.

"I request your company tonight. Will you stay with me?"

Nyx hesitates and Raven asks, "Are you denying me?"

Nyx looks her in the eyes again, "No! Never.. it's just..."

Raven silences her with her finger to her lips, "Just nothing, please... Just be with me."

Nyx sighs, not able to tell her no and gives in. Raven is happy for this little victory, and kisses Nyx deeply, feeling bolder, she kisses her way down Nyx neck, causing a deep rumble in Nyx's chest. Then Nyx stands and offers Raven her hand.

Raven arches her eyebrow but sets her hand in Nyx's. A puff of purple smoke surrounds them and they are both now in a room Raven hasn't seen before.

The fireplace was alive and roaring. There was a long couch across from the fireplace and a large four poster bed with black satin sheets and many pillows, in fact, the room is covered with pillows and books half read.

Raven feels a presence behind her and turns her head to find Nyx looking at her in the dim light. She leads Raven over to the bed and is surprised when Raven pushes her down into the bed.

"I want to love you~" Raven says, a slight blush crossing her cheeks.

Nyx chuckles, "Don't let me stop you, I'm all yours dearest."

Raven leans in to capture Nyx's lips again and lets her hands explore. The dress Nyx wow didn't contain a corset and Raven ran her hands down every curve. Raven behind to gather the bottom of Nyx's dress, fumbling a bit at the large skirt.

Nyx chuckled and pulled them both to their feet, "Turn around dear." Nyx asked if Raven, which she did.

Raven still had on just a night dress and stockings, but it was still quickly that Nyx seemed to undo the buttons and leave Raven with just her bottom undergarments and stockings.

Once bare, Raven turned to Nyx, her heavy breathing brought Nyx's gaze to her chest for a moment. Smiling Nyx turned around herself, washing her hands in the air, a purple smoke escaped her finger tips and surrounded the back of her dress, quickly unloading the back.

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