Chapter Twenty-six

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Raven woke in a large bed, surrounded by pillows and the smell... Nyx...

Letting her eyes adjust to the light in the room, she looked to her right and saw Fae sitting in a chair, reading a book. Raven cleared her throat and Fae looked at her right away.

"Miss Raven! You're awake! Oh the mistress will want to know right away!"

Before Fae could get up, Nyx appeared at the foot of the bed, scaring both Raven and Fae.

"No need, I'm here." She said breathlessly.

There was a little bit of blood on the corner of Nyx's mouth and Fae gestured to it. "Umm.. Mistress? You've got a little..."

It's like Nyx didn't hear her as she went to Raven's side, Raven laughed and wiped the blood from Nyx's mouth, the woman finally taking notice.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know how long you'd be out, I needed to feed..."

Raven shook her head, "Never apologize for what you are. I love you no matter what."

She cupped Nyx's face and Fae decided that was her cue to leave and exited the room.

Nyx held Raven's hand to her face.

"I thought I lost you..." Nyx said quietly.

Raven smiled, "I'm here now, with you and we can stay together... Forever."

"Do you really mean forever?" Nyx asks.

Raven nodded her head and reached out to hold Nyx's hand. Nyx holds her hand and reaches into her pocket, revealing a small box.

"I've had this for a long time, but could never find the one to give it to... Until you."

Nyx opens the box to show a ring made of moonstone, intricately surrounded by silver. Raven gasps at the beautiful ring and even more beautiful woman before her.

She wants me

Will I be enough?

Yes you will.

"Hey! Get out of my head!"

Nyx chuckled, "You think so loud."

Raven shook her head while Nyx waited for an answer.

"So? What do you say?" She holds up the ring.

Raven smiled, "Yes! Of course!"

Nyx smiles at her and takes the ring and slips it onto Raven's left hand. "A perfect fit."

The two women embraced before kissing one another tightly. There was a small knock at the door.

"Yes?" Nyx called out and Erik peaked his head in.

"Are you up for some company mon cher?"

Raven giggled and said, "Of course." When she said that Bree and Fae burst into the room, Surprisingly Crow was behind them.

"We were all so worried about you miss." Crow admitted.

Raven smiled at the old man and felt love like no other from the people around her.

"Oh the ring! Oh my goodness mistress! Are we to have a wedding?!" Fae cried out.

Nyx had a beaming smile and held onto Raven's hand and simply said, "Yes."

Bree and Fae held onto each other and began discussing things they could do for the wedding, Erik stepped forward and patted Nyx's shoulder.

"Congratulations... Nyx." He smiled at her. "All right everyone you've seen her, let's leave them alone."

They all followed Erik out of the room leaving the young couple alone again, only they weren't alone...

The glimmering outline of Ali showed up next to the bed, a few more silhouettes started forming too.

"We've been set free... I'm sorry for everything... Just know we are always with you..."

Then the silhouettes swirled together and shot themselves into Raven's chest.

"I can feel them..." She spoke softly

Nyx laid herself down next to Raven, wrapping her arms around her, now noticing the delicious smell coming off of her.

"I can smell you... You smell devine my love."

Raven sniffed the air, "I think I can smell you too... Like roses and old books..."

Nyx chuckled and rolled, while still holding Raven, setting her on top, looking down at Nyx and blushing.

Nyx kisses both Raven's hands and says, "My heart is in your hands my love. My Raven..."

Raven leans down and kisses Nyx sweetly. Not using words but conveying the same and somewhere in the night sky a goddess smiles down on her daughter and sends a blessing to their union.

To Love A MonsterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora