Chapter Fourteen

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Raven couldn't believe what she had just heard. "She... She killed them?" Alli nodded with a sour look on her face.

"Yes and no miss Raven, true they were her fault, one was drained of blood and another had her neck snapped."

The girl looked down in sorrow "Another starved, but of her own will."

Raven felt dizzy and sat on the lounge. The young servant glided gracefully towards Raven, making sure she was alright but still keeping her distance.

"I know she's mentioned her parents, her demonic father and Goddess mother. What she failed to mention was the prophecy that came along with their child and another."

Very curious now.

Raven leaned closer to listen more intently. The young girl tucked a stray hair behind her ear and began softly. "The prophecy states that there would be a love for this child, yet Nyx was destined to lose this love. Her first was named Greta, a beautiful and stubborn girl. She lived with Nyx for many years in this castle. they were happy..."

Raven knew the next part would not be as happy. "Until the day she died... Nyx had forgotten to warn her about seeing her before she had her first meal and in a blood rage drained the girl of all her blood. The mistress was heartbroken until the next girl showed up."

"This one was different in looks and personality, very submissive and shy. Nyx loved her and protected her from the outside world. When the young girl came to the castle she didn't realize it was the last time she would see the outside world. One evening, Nyx came bursting through her lover's doors, excited to show her the newfound strength she had unlocked with her magic. not realizing how strong she was, when she playfully fled from the woman and was caught.... Nyx squeezed her so tight her neck and spine snapped and she died in her arms."

Raven couldn't stop the tears from falling now, listening to the horror and heartbreak in this castle made her stomach turn and her heart ache. Alli looked saddened and just stood there as Raven wept. Raven then looked up and peered into the servants eyes, reaching for her hand and when her hand simply hit nothing but air she shot up from her seat and backed away.

"Y-You aren't... I Mean, Who are you?" Alli stood then and looked into Raven's eyes, sorrow filling them.

"I'm The girl I just spoke of, I came to the castle and fell in love and was murdered for my love, my soul was then trapped here and I wandered the halls wishing to feel something, anything, but I am.... I'm a ghost and I feel nothing except sorrow and hurt."

Then, without warning, she vanished. Raven looked round quickly for any sign of the girl but nothing remained.

Shaking now, Raven made her way to the only place she could find peace, the library. After all the horror she had just heard, her mind was everywhere. she was terrified yet didn't want to leave.

What is going on?

What will happen to me?

Nyx would never hurt me... Would she?

These thoughts swirled in her head as she sought out the warm room. She pushed open the doors and walked into the room. The fireplace was alive and inviting. She sat there and pondered what she had learned.

Her mistress was a vampire.

All her previous lovers have died.

Despite all of this crazy information, Raven wanted nothing more than to see Nyx, to hear her words of comfort, maybe have her tell her it was all a lie, she just couldn't imagine the kind woman hurting anyone, although the passion she aimed at her made her believe she could do anything. She shivered at the memories of their frolics in the library. not hearing the door open from behind her.

Nyx entered the room silently, Raven turned and as soon as her eyes locked with the woman's, the tears fell again. Worried, Nyx ran to her side, taking her into her arms.

"Oh dearest Raven, please what is wrong? What happened?"

Raven whipped the tears away and managed to ask, "Who is Alli?"

Nyx's face was in full shock at the mention of her former lover's name. "You saw her didn't you? What did she say? Please she has been hurt and that's all her soul knows, what did she tell you?"

Raven braced herself for the conversation about to take place. "She mentioned the prophecy and the girls you... you... "

"That died because of me?" Nyx said it so plainly and straightforward Raven had to shake herself.

"So you don't deny it?" Nyx frowned and stood up and walked towards the fireplace. "I had planned on telling you everything, the prophecy and about all my former loves and their... demise. it seems Alli and her broken soul beat me to it."

Nyx turned to Raven now, tears threatening to spill over. "I told you I was a monster, I never meant to hurt them, it's my fathers side of things, the power and the blood... All of it was his fault, if it weren't for him none of this would have happened and these girls would be alive. I lost them because I was too weak to restrain my powers at the time. Too weak to fight back. Never escaping her is my punishment."

Raven couldn't stand it any longer, she ran from the room, crying so loudly that both Bree and Fae felt saddened. She ran until she made it to her room, but upon entering she wondered to herself.

Am I the only one who has been in here?

Has this room held the others?

Remembering the mirror Raven assumed someone had stayed here and decided she no longer would room here. Grabbing the blanket from her bed she began exploring the castle more. Checking many doors she finally found a vacant room to settle down in. She climbed into the bed and drifted to sleep, hoping her dreams were a much brighter and happier place. Not knowing the darkness that lurked in plain

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