Chapter Five

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As Raven laid in her bed she tried to ignore the whole conversation.

It's so bizarre

What were they even talking about?

She thought these things and tried to pretend she didn't hear the knock at her door. She heard it again though, but this time it opened to reveal her mother. Victoria crept inside,

"Sweetheart? I know you're ready for bed but I must speak with you." She sat in the chair next to Raven's bed and spoke softly.

"I do hope you enjoyed the party." Victoria looked down as she spoke and twisted her fingers. Raven knew her mother only did this when she was troubled.

"Mother please, what's wrong? And who was that man in father's office?"

Victoria looked up and stared at her beautiful daughter, her eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Well my dear, that's a long and rather odd story."

Raven say up in bed and looked her in the eyes,

"Mother, I wish to know, I'm old enough to handle certain things, please, please tell me?"

Victoria sighed and started her story..

"Well it started on the day you were born..."


That next morning Raven did feel different. Her mother had shared the story of how she almost died as a newborn. Very shocked she readied herself for the day and went downstairs. She found her father at the table, looking rather odd. James's hands were stuck in his hair as he held himself up, shirt a mess, the same shirt from last night actually. It looked like he had stayed awake all night.

"Father, are you ill?" Raven spoke softly as she approached him.

He looked up and stared at her for a moment.

"No, I'm okay, but my dear there is something very important I must talk to you about."

His eyes almost tearing up as he spoke, "You, you have to..." Choking back tears he sobbed, "You have to go away."

Speechless, Raven gapped and started asking questions.

"What have I done? Am I being punished? Father, I'll be good! Please tell me why! Does this have anything to do with that man?! Mr. Masters?!"

He looked up at her and said, "Yes, your mother said she told you the story, he said we would have to give up our greatest treasure, I didn't think he would mean you my darling. You are to go live with his master in their home."

Sobbing even more, James stood up and wrapped Raven in a hug. Starting to sob herself Raven held tight and spoke words she hasn't said since she was a small girl.

"I love you daddy."

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