Chapter Eight

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Raven jolted in bed to the sound of thunder and lightning outside her room. The fireplace was dimly lit but still kept the room in light. Clutching her blanket to her chest Raven decided to get up. Her feet touched the floor and she quickly jerked them back.

"Oh that's freezing!" She braced herself and quickly got up to find her slippers.

Very thankful she found them so fast she slipped them on. Curious, she decided to explore a bit. Lighting a candle she slipped from her room and down the hall. There were many side rooms and what she guessed was other bedrooms. Coming to the end of the hall there was a large entryway. Stepping inside she found a library, thousands of books in many languages filled the walls. A small fireplace kept the room warm and peaceful. A large desk sat in one corner and all around the room sat lounge chairs and couches. They all looked so welcoming she couldn't resist going to sit in one. Setting the candle down on a side table she slipped onto the chair, snuggling deeper she felt warm and safe.

"Couldn't sleep?" she heard from behind.

Gasping and shooting from the chair she turned to see Nyx standing there, book in hand and wearing glasses.

She chuckled and spoke softly, "I'm sorry I keep startling you."

Trying to catch her breath Raven blushed and spoke. "No I'm sorry I just got curious and wanted to explore."

Setting her book next to the candle Nyx walked forward.

"It's quite alright dear, I understand, a new place is very exciting and I had a feeling you would find your way here."

"You did?" Raven questioned.

"Why yes." Nyx laughed softly. "I saw all the books you brought and had a feeling."

Blushing for the millionth time Raven spoke softly. "Oh.. Yes I enjoy reading quite a lot."

She gazed at the thousands of books, all in the many different sizes and colors.

Nyx smiled and said "You can borrow any that you would like, for as long as you like, I've probably read these books hundreds of times over."

Hearing this made Raven so happy. She made her way over to the books and began looking, she turned to find Nyx staring at her.

"Is something wrong?" Raven asked.

The woman in front of her said nothing but began walking towards her and soon was right in front of her, she got so close Raven backed up against the bookshelf. Nyx reached forward and plucked a book by Raven's head.

"This is my favorite book." Then, she handed it to Raven.

Raven gazed at the book and stroked the cover, it was made of red leather and gold stitching.

Beyond The Creatures Gaze.

It sounded like pure romance and Raven was intrigued. She clutched it to her chest and smiled at the kind gesture.

"I'll be sure to read this first."

Looking up she locked eyes with Nyx, her eyes as bright as rubies, it was very hard to look away.

"My dear I hope you don't mind me saying, you're very lovely, I bet you left some poor sap broken hearted at home."

Upon hearing this Raven couldn't help but laugh. "No nothing like that, no one ever caught my attention."

Nyx's eyes glimmered and she got a mischievous grin on her face.

"So I can assume you've never been with anyone?"

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