29: The Preliminaries Pt. 2

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Jungkook was furious.

He'd seen all the unfairness that's taken ground in the ring- and it's taken a considerable amount of endurance to hold back from bearing the absolute crap out of Jaegyu, and now that he's legally allowed to......He's not going to stop once he starts.

Once Jungkook made sure Soa was safe with the medical staff standby, he turns over to the ring; fists clenched in his boxing gear.

He begins to prepare for the first boxing round. Meanwhile-Jaegyu takes a move to provoke him.

"Talentless pieces of shits shouldn't enroll to specialised sports schools."

Once he finishes his sentence, Jaegyu immediately feels a sense of danger emitting towards him. Like how you'd react to your sixth sense ringing in alarm- a sudden tingling under his feet to run. An impending sense of doom.

And as he looks to the direction of Jungkook, he felt something he has never felt before.....an undescribable fear roaring in his entire body that causes him to break in cold sweat- Jungkook's fiery eyes that looked like he's about to go hunting for his prey.

Jungkook looked numb from anger and ready to beat the absolute remaining life out of Jaegyu.

....Screw that, Jaegyu felt like he was going to get murdered on camera.

But he stops- it wasnt like him to back down, or even fear someone. He must've gotten it all wrong; it's not danger he was feeling , but excitement to finally take his revenge....

His revenge that will give him closure.

As the adrenaline courses through both of their veins, and as the signal whistle was blown, neither of them could hear the cheers nor voices of the ones around them. It was drowned out by their own strong resolves.

Jaegyu starts by composing himself and putting his guard up. He begins to strategize carefully; Jungkook's an out-boxer, he'll attack with speed and gradually get tired after landing several light hits on him. When that happens, an opening will come and-....

"Naive." Jungkook breaks through his sturdy guard with a fully blown attack. "So naive, it makes me laugh." He says in-between his incredibly unexpected heavy blows.

"How....how can this be?! Kwon Jaegyu was on full guard, but Jeon Jungkook broke through it completely...." The narrator exclaims.

Jaegyu struggles to think straight as he gets hit with more continuous blows that were faster than lightning, heavier than anything.... It was impossible- an outboxer wouldn't deliver such skilled and heavy blows, it was just so.... impossible.....so why?!

He desperately attempts by counterblocking another incoming strike from Jungkook. Jaegyu focuses and he can see his limbs in motion from his dominant hand for a split second. His gears starts to turn and he blocks the anticipated strike from the right, only to be overwhelmed with force from the left.

Speed, endurance, weight.....and now this absolute monster performs a bluff?!

"Like I said, you're naive." Jungkook tackles him down to the ground to deliver a final blow. But before Jaegyu could even process the situation, he saw a flare in his opponent's eyes that led him to flashbacks before the match.

It was fear afterall.

The look in his eyes as he coldly delivers a final, crushing blow- it was the first time, Kwon Jaegyu ever felt intense fear for his life.

The whole ordeal lasted 34 seconds.

34 seconds.

As Jaegyu's consciousness begin to slip away, he reminisces the journey he worked hard to take to be the top boxer, only to be taken away from him for a mere 34 seconds.

34 seconds of utter, crushing defeat of the man he wanted to defeat the most.

And as for Jungkook, the piercing cheers from the crowd doesn't faze him. He stands coldly rooted to the ground, bloodied lip and bloodied gloves. His arm bandages torn off and his eyes clouded with thoughts about Soa.

Soa, which he wanted to see very badly.

A/N: sorry for the infrequent updates ;__;

More on Jaegyu's back story, new Taehyung ark , conflicts and more .

More on Jaegyu's back story, new Taehyung ark , conflicts and more

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