37: A Fighting Fairy

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"....What's going on with you two?"

I flinch. Taehyung raises a brow suspiciously at us, but seems to close his eyes in a sigh when he observes our flustered reactions.

As I glance to peek at Jungkook; our eyes meet— and I instinctively look away. The only thing more awkward than doing intimate things with your boyfriend is doing intimate things with a I'm-not-sure-if-he's-my-boyfriend.

Amongst the tension between us, I catch sight of Taehyung's half lidded eyes as he held back his expressions. He seemed to have caught on that something had happened after we left the scene Jaegyu made. However, nothing leaves his lips as he turns his line of sight somewhere else.

"Speaking of which, what did you talk to Jaegyu with afterwards?" I ask, looking at Taehyung. He flinches in response, before staring back at me with a worried expression.

"Uhm...." he hesitates. "Jaegyu....told me about your past." Taehyung's furrowed together in a pained look.


My past was described by others as nothing more than tragic; and this was the reason why I avoided talking about it to others. I connected the dots that Naeun's father must have babbled about my pathetic situation to Jaegyu.

I smile knowingly in response to Taehyung, who seems pretty worried about me.

"...well. My past as an orphan isn't the most positive, but I'm happy the way I am currently." I assure him.

Jungkook; who just absorbed the words I said, was now wearing an expression similar to Taehyung's. But it wasn't unpleasant— their worried stances and hesitation to ask showed the care about my well-being, instead of being judgemental of my past.

And at that instance, for the first time in my life, I felt okay letting others know.

I turn to Jungkook, who's staring quietly. His marvelous eyes amidst the worry conveyed geniune concern; a flaring care in his irises as if he was gazing at his most vulnerable treasure. I respond back with a reassuring smile, telling him that it was okay.

"...My parents were wealthy people," I start explaining, much to Jungkook's surprise. "That's how I met Naeun. She's the daughter of the politician that was in conflict with my family."

"However, my parents passed away suddenly in a car accident. The inheritance money vanished, with nothing I could do to control the situation— I was nine, for heaven's sake." I pondered about it, still feeling the slight heaviness even after I've gotten over it a long time ago.

Locking eyes with Jungkook however, the feeling seems to dissolve away, replaced with an overwhelming gratefulness.

"2018 Summer Nationals." I mention, and Jungkook perks up in response. His eyes widen as I look at him. "Your first championship and debut as a boxer. I decided to become a boxer after watching your very first tournament."

Upon hearing my words, he seems to wear a complicated expression. It was a mix of happiness, relief, and realisation.

"Thinking about it, the moment I saw your fight and decided to change my own life, I have never felt more happy. So what matters more to me now; is what's in front of me, not what's behind me." I stated, the two of them listening carefully with a smile.

"And, with me trying to win this year's Summer Nationals, it isn't only to protect my place in this school, but also to prove to myself..."

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