10. Messy Situation

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A girl.

Somehow, seeing Jungkook with girls seemed weird to me— maybe because he avoided girls in general, but now that I think of it....

He doesn't avoid me.

"Probably his girlfriend or something." I mumble to myself, unknowingly stabbing myself in the heart.

The sharp pain in my chest was followed by waves of unease. Who was this girl, and why was I so upset about it? It almost seemed like I li....like him.

I brushed it off and placed the picture on his desk, before crashing onto my bed. That was when I felt something was wrong— my abdomen. It was squeezing tight from the impact, and I felt liquid down below.

"Wait..." I stood up, stomach gurgling. I just got my period.

Luckily, I prepared for this occasion, so I smuggled sanitary pads in my luggage. It should be somewhere in the toiletries compartmen—

Nothing. Just bottles of shampoo and a deodorant lying innocently in the bag.

"No...Oh no." I dread as my mind takes me back to the day of orientation. To make sure nobody brings in anything against the rules, there was a luggage check for all the students. In a panic, I had threw away the pads, not thinking much thereafter.

I'm screwed.

Before I could even think clearly of my next plan of action, a sudden sharp pain in my abdomen cuts off feelings in my knees. My body was reacting to the cold soda I was drinking earlier— and my period cramps were only getting started.

I crouched down to a position comfortable enough so I could breathe deeply. That was when I realised blood was starting to leak through my shorts, an alarming situation that cannot be seen by anyone else.

In my attempt to get up, a huge box falls from the top of the cabinet and in front of me, as my hands were leaning onto the edge. It causes a huge sound— resonating through the walls and maybe even throughout the dorms. Groaning, my body bent down as I pick up the large box, placing it back to where it should be. But I wasn't worried about the box, I was worried about....

"Did something happen?" Jimin rushes in, his curious brown eyes staring back at me. Oh no.

I straightened myself up, pretending to look okay. However, that proved to be difficult as my abdomen was twisting in pain, so I retreated back to my stance.

"What's going on?" Jimin comes closer and closer to me, and I begin to panick....until—

Jungkook. He fumbles worryingly as he ties a jacket on my waist, before sliding his strong arms around me to carry me up. The two of us locked eyes that very moment— and I fell into a trance. He notices me staring, and diverts his eyes away shyly, his ears turning red.

"He's okay. I'll take care of him, so you can go." Jungkook gestures to Jimin who stayed quiet the whole time.

As Jimin turned to leave, Jungkook places me carefully on his bed, hovering over me as he adjusted the blankets. We both seem to realise how close our proximity is, and were too scared to make eye contact. However— when we did, we didn't look away. Jungkook blinks a few times, his lips quivering a little. I expected him to say something, so when he inches closer to me, my heart begins to beat uncontrollably in my chest, probably loud enough for him to hear.

When we reached the point where could literally hear each other's hearbeats, he leans in to—


My abdomen makes an ugly noise.

He pulls away, amusement evident in his expression. I covered my face with my palms, feeling extremely embarrassed.

"I need a sanitary pad...." I softly spoke out, and Jungkook nods.

"Got it. I'll go get them."

"Wait! You don't have to!" I sat up, grasping his hand. My cheeks were so red to the point that it could explode. I was so embarrassed.

"Just rest. I'll be back soon." He tightens our interlocked hands, before turning to leave.

As Jungkook opens the door, he's greeted by a familiar looking face.

"Jimin? Why did you come back?"

"That is....uh..." Jimin fidgets a little, hesitating to tell him. "Well..."

"Haneul is here to see you."


A/N: a sudden appearance !

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