Brink In Trouble and Tony's Thoughts

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  • Dedicated to Tony

"DEENA!" Brink ran around her room frantically chucking everything everywhere. "Where the hell did I put it?"

"Brink? What's wrong?"

"My book. My Angel book. The one by James Patterson. It's gone! I thought I put it in my bag but, when I checked, it wasn't in there! WHERE IS IT?"

"Whoa...Brink, calm down. It's just a book-"

"It's not JUST a book! It's an important book! WHERE IS IT?! I NEED IT!" Brink mumbled to herself, "Why does everyone say it's just a book?!"

"Brink, I think maybe you should-"


Brink rushed downstairs and looked in the living room. She kept looking and looking and eventually passed out on the couch. Deena came downstairs and was just about to sit on Brink when she heard her snore. Brink kept sleeping though. It seems Deena didn't do much to disturb her. Deena tiptoed her way into the kitchen and started baking while Brink dreamed about Blaze, 'Tony' and Harry Styles?! Erm...okay then...

--------------------------TWELVE MINUTES LATER--------------------------


Deena came out of the kitchen and slapped Hamish on the arm.

"Will you be quiet?!" she whispered harshly. "Brink's sleeping!"

"Yeah, um, whatevs. I'm going to my room now..." Hamish started walking up and Deena started walking off. But, Hamish changed his mind and raced down the stairs. "Wait!" Deena backtracked and walked back to the start of the staircase. "Um, Brink's book?" He took it out of his bag and held it out to Deena. Deena's eyes went wide.

"Oh, Hamish. She's going to kill you."

"What?! I did nothing. If anything, I saved her book. It was just lying there on the floor. It was vulnerable!"

"Hamish, you better make sure she doesn't find out about you having her book...AGAIN!"

"Hey, first time, I didn't even look in it and second time-"

"YOU LOOKED IN IT?! What is wrong with you?!" Deena slapped Hamish's arm again. "Brink doesn't like people reading her stuff." Hamish opened his mouth like he was abot to speak but was cut off by Deena. "Ugh! Just, never mind. You never saw this, okay?"

"Oh-kay then...Sorry 'bout it..." Hamish walked upstairs and Deena followed him.

Hamish entered his room when he saw Deena enter Brink's. Hamish just shook his head and smiled to himself. Meanwhile, Deena was searching Brink's room for her country road duffle bag. She walked pass the mattress on the floor and tripped up on the tossed around blanket. She kicked it out of her way and continued walking around. Then, she saw it. Deena tiptoed across the room to Brink's desk. Underneath the desk was the country road duffle bag. Deena carefully placed her finger on the zip before realising that Brink's bag was already unzipped. She just shrugged and slipped the book inside. After that, she ran out of Brink's room. She took a deep breath and walked to Hamish's room. She opened Hamish's door and-

"HEY! Don't you knock?! Geez! For all you know, I could've been masturbating..." Deena's eyes went wide. "Dammit..."

"Don't talk to me like that!" Deena went up to him and pinched his arm. "And don't say rude things like that!" She slapped him on the side of the head. Deena let out a frustrated sigh and said, "Just remember, you didn't see her book or even held out. You know nothing about it, okay."

"Whatever. Can you get out of my room now?"

"Why? What's so important that I have to get out?"

Hamish extended his arm forward and pointed at the TV. Then, he drew a circle in the air around the game controller he was holding in his left hand. He gave Deena a 'Duh!' look and shooed her away with his hand. Deena rolled her eyes and exitted before saying, "I think I know what I'm going to dump in the garbage. I need to add X-Box to the list." Deena smirked and waved bye. Hamish was still focussed on his game.

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