Brink In Blaze's Car

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Brink continued down the path and realised she was drawing near to school. That's when his car pulled up beside her and when she got the text from Blaze.

'Hey, look to your left.'

On her left side was the car. With Blaze in it.

"Blaze?" Brink walked up to his car. "You didn't steal this car, did you?"

Blaze laughed at Brink's worried expression. But, Brink couldn't help herself. The car he was in was so shiny and brand new and black. The paint job was nice and it seemed like it was a new model. So...

"Bad girl's not so bad anymore, is she?" He smiled at Brink. "Get in."

"Why should I?..." Then Brink's eyes went wide, "You did steal that car!" Blaze laughed again. "Stop laughing!"

"I didn't steal this car, Brink." Blaze did some movement with his head, indicating Brink to get in. "I'm not THAT much of a bad guy. Steele's worse." He smiled. Brink smiled and got inside Blaze's car. "Buckle up."

Suddenly, without warning, Blaze sped off in the opposite direction of Brink's way to school.

"BLAZE!" Her eyes were bulging out and her mouth formed the shape of an O. "School's the other way!"

"Who said we're going to school?" Blaze smirked.

Brink was glaring at Blaze. "Uh...You did! In the morning when you texted me! See? I have it here!" Brink pulled out her phone and showed a message to Blaze who had his eyes glued on the road. "Blaze!"

He turned to Brink and smiled. "Relax! We'll make it back to school in no time. I wanna show you something first."

Brink smiled and relaxed.

"Look, we're already here. See."

Brink's eyes followed Blaze's finger. Outside, she saw a nice little park with a pond next to it. To her, the park was beautiful. In reality, it was completely trashed. What should've been pieces of bark on the ground were shredded, used tyres. And what seemed like a ramp made out of wood and tyres for BMXing stood where a slide would be. There weren't any houses around. But, there were lots of little papers flying around. There was a tall tree hanging above the far bit of the park, attached to it was a tyre swing.

There's a lot of tyres around here, thought Brink.

Placed right next to the park was that small pond Brink was admiring from the car. It just looks even more better when you see it outside. It looks like it hasn't even been touched by the sunlight, yet it's in full view of it. Odd. Her gaze drifted upon the clearing beyond the park. There were empty fields of green. Where the fields ended, there were walls covered in art.

The place was deserted, clearly not in use. Only the hidden animals making their noises were using it. Brink walked towards it a bit more, to check if her eyes were working. Yep, they were.

"Beautiful," she breathed.

Blaze looked at Brink and smiled. Then he looked out to the beauty in front of them.

"H-" Brink tuned to Blaze. "How did you find this place?" Then she turned back towards the park. "It looks so different from the rest of our town..." Brink trailed off.

"What, you mean like different good? Or different bad?" Blaze walked over to the tyre swing. "Cos' I think it looks different good." He stood on the swing and pushed himself back and forth, enjoying the ride.

"I mean, good different. Really good."

"Well, that's good." Blaze and Brink were smiling at each other. "Veddy good." This sent both, Brink and Blaze into a fit of laughter. Blaze jumped off the tyre swing and went to grab Brink by the hand. "Wanna swing?" he asked her.

"Sure," Brink hopped in the circle of the tyre and Blaze pushed her, swaying back and forth. "Hey! You still haven't answered my question. How did you find this place?"

"Well," Blaze started. "It's a long story..." Brink rolled her eyes at this. Blaze sighed and continued, "Well, uh, my dad, he works- I mean, USED to work in this building company. Somebody, I don't know who, asked him if he could make some sketches for apartments and stuff to build here. It was a huge job that was gonna bring in millions for the company. So, my dad agreed. At first he didn't know what this place was like. Then, one day, he was invited to come here and have a look around. Because the company was based in Britain, my dad moved our family out here with him. He expected dried grass and no life. But he found lush, green grass. He saw the trees-"

"Trees?" Brink looked around, checking for trees. "There's no trees here. Except for the one I'm swinging on. Are you lying to me, Blaze?"

Blaze chuckled before he said, "You gonna let me finish?" Brink just nodded. "Okay then... So, like I was saying before I was interrupted by-"

"Get on with your story, Blaze."

"My dad saw the tall trees and the pond and everything. Straight away, he called off the whole deal. The people were upset and angry at him, but no one was more angry than my dad's boss. Total doochebag. All he wanted was the money."

"What happened?" questioned Brink.

"Without my dad knowing, his boss went ahead with the deal...illegally."

By now, Blaze had stopped swinging Brink. He had his left hand on the trunk of the tree and his right, clutching onto the rope of the tyre swing, just above Brink's head.

"What do you mean, 'illegally'?"

"No papers were signed. And the property wasn't his to use. The property was still signed off to my dad. He owned it. Not his boss, not his company. My dad owned the property."

"Oh...So, they stole from your dad?"

"Yeah." Blaze smiled a sly smile. "By the next week, the bulldozers and machinery were already in, scooping out the land. They only managed to clear the trees that used to be over there," Blaze pointed to nothing but air. ",before my dad got the call from a mate of his. His friend was passing the place and saw them digging up the ground and shredding the trees. My dad rushed over and got them to stop. He quit his job. He took the issue to the court. After a whole lotta fighting and charges and everything, my dad's boss and his company got away clean. No charges. No jail. No nothing."

"But they stole and destroyed your dad's land!" Blaze looked down. "That's sad..."

"What can you do? Anyways, dad didn't want to go back to England and face his old friends who helped destroy the land." Blaze looked up at Brink, and for the first time she could see his eyes. They were green, so green. Like the colour of the grass. "We stayed here and I've lived here ever since."

A lightbulb flilcked in Brink's brain. "Wait, I've been here my whole life...When did this all happen?" She was hoping it wasn't ten years ago. Cos' we all know what happened ten years ago...

Blaze looked up as if he was thinking hard, "About five or so years ago." He shrugged his shoulders. Those broad, nice, muscly shoulders...*Drool* Erm...Back to the story... "Why?"

"Nothing. Just asking." There was a long silence and Blaze still hadn't returned to swinging Brink. "So, you're a  pretty nice guy."

"Hey! Don't go around telling that to everybody." Blaze put on an angry face, but couldn't uphold it anymore. "Nah, but seriously, I have a reputation to hold, okay?"

"Yeah, okay. Mr.Tough guy..." Brink nudged him mockingly.

Blaze leaned in closer to Brink. He whispered in her ear, "So, you interested in me yet? You know, wanna change the bad boy and bring out his good side, whatever that means."

"What does that mean?" Brink whispered back.

Blaze leaned in more. "I don't know," he said quietly. Blaze slowly leaned in, centimetre by centimetre, till his nose touched Brink's. Brink just took in a sharp breath. Now it was Blaze's turn to take in one. Instead, he took Brink's lips in his.

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