Hamish In Brink's Album and Becca's Room

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"Hey nan?"

Hamish's voice must've roused Deena from deep sleep because she flailed her arms around as if she was under attack.

"Nan, you look stupid."

"And you are stupid! Stop scaring me!"

Deena caught her breath, then yelled, "And stop calling me nan!" before she stormed off upstairs to her bed.

"Bye nan!"

Deena stopped herself from turning around to face a cheeky smirking Hamish laughing at his farewell. She just continued her way on upstairs and fell asleep.

Hamish turned back towards the TV and watched an ad for clearasil. Hamish just sighed and switched off the TV. He started whistling a tune, his eyes wandering around nan's living room. Those gorgeous blues kept looking and looking until something caught them. An album with Brink's name on it.

'Ooh!' he thought as his eyes lit up at the new-found gold. He turned his head around and checked to see if nobody was there watching him. It was clear like clearasil. Time for him to reach that album.

"Whoa...This's Brink?!" said Hamish.

He was gazing upon a photo of Brink surrounded by friends and family. Hamish saw an older woman who looked like Brink, probably Jules. There were lots of different coloured balloons all over the place and the walls were covered in crazy party string. Hamish peered closer and noticed that most of the crazy party string were actually chunks of cake. A smile made its way onto Hamish's face. He continued staring at the picture. Seeing that it was Brink's party by the huge banner over her head, he looked at some of the faces to see if he knew them. But all he could spot out was Kelly who was wrapped securely in Steve's hands. No one else. Wait, no, he found Deena. She was in the background, scrubbing cake off the walls.By now, Hamish was focussing on the close-up of Brink's mom. She had nice, earthy green eyes. Hamish wondered if Brink's eyes were the same colour. Then he saw Jules' smile. He began wondering, 'Has Brink smiled before? I haven't seen her smile yet.'

A thousand images of Brink smiling ran through Hamish's mind. He knew Brink could and would smile. He just didn't know what her smile looked like. It was hard picturing her smile.

'Ugh, I give up.'

Hamish stayed there in amazement. He read the words underneath the photo, Brink's 5th Birthday

"Uh, what are you doing?"

Hamish jumped up and said, "Holy mother-" He turned to see who had scared him. It was Kelly, Brink's little sister. "Oh! Kelly!" He quietly sighed with relief. "What are you doing here?" Hamish tucked Brink's album underneath a cushion.

"Moi? Oh, you know..."

Hamish could tell Kelly was feeling a bit...doopsy?

"No. I don't know, Kelly. That's why I'm asking you."

Kelly erupted into a fit of giggles and jumped on the couch, right next to Hamish.

"Kelly...Are you high?" said Hamish in a strict, parenting voice. Although, it sounded kinda mockingly.

Kelly giggled again.

"Sshhh..." Her head dove onto Hamish's lap and his hands jumped into the air. He had a puzzled expression. "Don't tell daddy. Or else he'll kick me out like he did with Brink. Hehehehe!"

"What? Your dad kicked Brink out of the house? And that's why she's staying at Deena's?"

Kelly rose up and yelled, "I SAID SHHHHH! GOSH! YOU BIG MOUTH!"

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