Brink In Her Book

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Blaze leaned in closer to Brink. He whispered in her ear, "So, you interested in me yet? You know, wanna change the bad boy and bring out his good side, whatever that means."

"What does that mean?" Brink whispered back.

Blaze leaned in more. "I don't know," he said quietly. Blaze slowly leaned in, centimetre by centimetre, till his nose touched Brink's. Brink just took in a sharp breath. Now it was Blaze's turn to take in one. Instead, he took Brink's lips in his.

Blaze broke the light peck and stepped back. Brink just stood there, trying not to smile. But, as soon as three seconds passed she was standing there like a smiling fool.

"What was that for?" she whispered.

Blaze shrugged it off.

"I don't know..." He looked at the ground for a second and then looked back up to Brink. "Why are we whispering?"

He smiled his smile and sent Brink melting away.

"Hey, wanna do something so crazy and bad-arse?" Brink couldn't help but laugh at Blaze.

"What's so crazier than this?"

"School?" Brink smiled and laughed again. "Maybe we should get going, aye?" Brink nodded and was led by Blaze to his car. He was about to drive off when he felt the need to say something. "Brink?" Brink stopped staring out the window at the park and turned to face Blaze. "Um...Sorry know...kissing you back there-"

"Was it really a kiss? I mean, it was more like a peck," Brink gushed out the words fast. So fast that she sounded like she was rapping Busta Rhymes. "I mean, our lips barely touched. It was kinda like-"

"Brink!" Brink stopped talking instantly and stared at the floor of Blaze's car as if it was going to vanish.

"Brink..." Blaze took hold of her hand. ", erm, have a guyfriend?"

"Um," Brink gulped. "Did you say 'gay friend'?"

Brink's eyebows had arched up and that's when Blaze's eyes went wide.

"What?! No! I- I said...I was meant to say boyfriend. Not 'gay friend'!"

"Oh," Brink said in her bored monotone.

"So...Do you?"

Brink turned her gaze towards Blaze. He was still staring at the floor. It was like she was seeing him for the first time. His hair, which was usually scruffy had now looked tousled. Like it was meant to be that way. His face looked...clean. And his eyes! (OOHHHH MYYYY MYYYY GAAAAHH!) His eyes were so green. They weren't green like the grass anymore. But they weren't green like the sea either. This green was a green that was sure to open Brink's heart chakra.

" have a boyfriend?-"

"No, I don't," Brink said without hesitation. "I'm not dating anybody."

"That's good." As Brink kept studying Blaze's face she noticed him gulping when his adam's apple kept bobbing up and down. "Hey, Brink? Wanna hear something more crazy and bad-arse?" Blaze laughed a little as he asked her. This time, he stopped hanging his head low and brought it up so he was able to clearly see the expression on Brink's face. "Brink, do you wanna date?"

Brink's smile went wide and he knew the answer was yes. "Uh huh!"

"That's good."

Blaze smirked and drove off to school.


"Hey, so what class d'you have now?"

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