Brink In His Arms and Future Goals

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Nighty night

GOOOOD MORNING! Well, that's what Hamish was thinking when he woke up and stared at Brink, reminiscing about the good, the bad, the ugly. The smiles, the laughs, the funny. All the things they put each other through. It's for you, it's for you, it's for you-u. You make me happy- *Ahem* Back to the story. Got a bit carried away there. Whoa...

So, Hamish was reminiscing about last night. His night with Brink was a fun one as he recalls. Still staring at Brink, he smiled and scratched his stomach (more like abs). Hamish managed to stifle a yawn and stretched his arms and legs. His eyes met a clock on Brink's wall. He saw '6:30' on it and just rolled his eyes. It felt like it was 12:30 in the afternoon to him. He looked back at Brink and saw her sleeping like a zombie. Her mouth was hanging open with drool on the side and on her arm, shirt and pillow. Hamish smiled and laughed in his head as to not wake up Brink. But, then she snored a loud snort and sent Hamish laughing like a hyena. But, he quickly stopped and covered his mouth with his hand. Brink never woke up, she only turned on her back and stayed in her sleeping and snoring state. Hamish quietly got up, removing his arm that was once around Brink's waist and placed it by his side. He carefully tucked the remainder of the blanket around Brink and left for his room.

Once inside, Hamish grabbed a towel from his closet and rushed to the bathroom. He turned on the water and placed his towel on the rack. Slowly, (or at average speed) he took his clothes off. First it was his shirt that he chucked to the ground. Then he removed his pants and boxers. Hamish didn't even bother to look in the mirror, he jumped straight into the shower and washed his whole body in the nice-smelling  body wash and lathered and rinsed and repeated. He was kind of a clean freak.

Thirty minutes later, Hamish was done with his shower and was standing naked in the bathroom still. Suddenly, the door opened up and, somehow, Hamish slipped on a little water and ended up in Brink's arms. (Talk about awkward.)

"Uhhhhh..." Brink was staring at an amused Hamish and his naked, statuesque, muscular, toned, greek god body. Hamish looked up at her and she quickly looked to the ceiling and dropped him, causing him to collide with the ground. "Um, I-I- SORRY!" Brink ran out of the bathroom and slammed the door shut before she saw anything else she wasn't supposed to see.

Hamish smiled at himself and got up off the ground. His hand reached for the towel and he wrapped it securely around his waist. He was imagining Brink stalking him through a window outside but then laughed the thought out. Now, something like that doesn't happen everyday...

Hamish opened the bathroom door and stepped outside into the hallway. Hm, where's Brink? Probably in hiding with her red, embarassed cheeks. Just as Hamish was about to go to his room, his tummy rumbled. He shrugged his (broad) shoulders and walked downstairs, hoping to get delicious food in his belly and a do-eyed Brink in his arms. Hamish found his way to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and spoon. Next he got out a box of cereal and poured him some. He poured some milk in the bowl and took a huge spoonful bite. On his way back to the stairs, some milk ran down his mouth which he wiped off with his nice, vein-bulging shoulder.

"Ah!" Hamish knew who squealed. To his delight and pleasure, he saw Brink covering her eyes like Boo in Monster Inc. "I didn't know you were down here, I swear!" Hamish watched and smiled as Brink ran around like a chicken without a head, trying to go back upstairs.

It was entertaining for Hamish before he realised how many times Brink had accidentally hit something hard. "Uh, Brink?" Hamish was holding his hands out and slowly moving to a crazy Brink. "Brink?" he said louder. After Brink ran into a wall, she turned and was charging at Hamish. "Brink!" Hamish began backing away. "BRINK!" he yelled maniacally. Straight after his yelling, Brink smashed right into him and both went flying down. And in the process, Hamish's towel managed to fly right off his hips. Whoops. "Brink?"

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