2| Welcome

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Chapter 2: Welcome (Ronan's POV)

I stood there with the rest of the staff, my new co-workers, listening to the king and queen give us a loud, annoying, unnecessarily long speech. This speech would have been useful had he given it before someone tried to kill his daughter. 

I don't even know why I took this job, I'm supposed to be on a break. After my last job, working with the royal family in Zariya, I decided to take a long-overdue break. My grandma was meant to visit me and I was going to spend a couple of months with her. But then Adrian called and said that the royal family in our hometown, in our own kingdom, Astella, was attacked. I asked a few questions. Who was attacked, who got hurt, was anyone caught? The basics. 

As it turns out, not the family, but the princess was attacked. She made it out just fine but her bodyguard, I believe his name was Finn, died by getting shot. And the culprit wasn't caught. He got away before the guards got there. I'm well aware that Adrian is the assigned guard for Prince Atlas. He's been working here for nearly a year now, and he claims to love his job. He gets along great with the prince. 

I, however, don't get along with people. I don't think I'll get along with the princess either. But I was able to handle King Archer and Queen Evelyn's daughter, Princess Bella, who is quite a handful. I should be able to handle a grown, twenty-one-year-old woman. Working in Zariya, I became more of a babysitter than a bodyguard. And now I still get letters from Princess Bella talking about her teddy tea parties and trips with her parents. 

Out of the corner of my eye, at the entrance to the palace, I could see two people walk out. I recognized Prince Atlas. I'd been to some of the same parties as the royal family, working for other people. Beside him, stood his sister. 

Princess Grace. I looked over, my eyes locked with hers. She stood with her arms folded across her chest, her hair was damp as it cascaded down her back, and she was watching me. She didn't blink away. Her brother said something and she turned to him, shaking her head while talking. She let her arms drop and turned to leave but Prince Atlas grabbed her arm and pulled her back, shooting her a stern look. She sighed, staring at the ground. 

I blinked and looked away, turning my attention to the king and queen and their torturous speech. "And last but not least, let's welcome our newest member of staff, Ronan Stone. Ronan will be replacing Finn," the king announced. Nobody said a word. Not even Adrian. Huh, I guess Finn got along with his co-workers, to the point where everyone's miserable at his demise. "I expect you all to welcome him, explain the ground rules, and show him around. But before you get a chance to get to know your co-workers, Ronan." He turned to me. "There are two ground rules I have for you." 

I blinked, listening with a blank face. 

"Number one, keep my daughter safe. At all costs. I don't care what happens to you, or anybody else. She should be safe." 

That's my job as her bodyguard, isn't it? I resisted an eye roll and kept listening. 

"And at no cost are you permitted to be involved with her in any way other than professionally, understood? No friendship, no relationship. You are her guard. You're here to protect her, not to be her friend. Am I clear?" 

"Crystal," I nodded once. 

He nodded in approval, seeming pleased. "Very good. We'll be eating lunch now, so take that time to understand the palace and its estate. Have a look around. Adrian?" 

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