8| Heart

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Chapter 8: Heart (Ronan's POV)

"Bye!" I watched as Grace waved goodbye to all the citizens of Radiance's old age home as we walked to the car, just in time for her appointment. When we went to the orphanage and she showered the children there with hugs, kisses, and toys, I figured as much that she isn't a cold bitch. She has a heart, she just chooses not to use it with me. Good decision. 

I opened the passenger door for her and she climbed in, still waving at everyone. I sighed, looking at her dress which would get caught on the door. I crouched down, gathering her dress and dropping it at her feet. 

She let out a small gasp, looking down at me. "What are you doing?" 

I looked up at her. "Fixing your dress." I shut the door and walked to the driver's side, climbing in, starting the car, and heading to the boutique she had told me to take her to. I'm well aware I'm not meant to be driving her places, she's supposed to have a chauffeur. But it's clear as day that she doesn't want one. She prefers driving herself around. 

I was curious about her. How often did she visit the orphanage and old age home? Did she do it because she liked it or because it was her duty as a princess? There was a lot I wanted to know about Princess Grace Roslyn Grimaldi. But I suppose there's a lot I'd find out along the way, and a lot I'd never get answers to. I have a limit, one I can't cross without being unprofessional. I parked the car at the boutique and stepped out, getting the door for her. 

"Thanks," she mumbled, glancing at the sign before walking in. It's noon, sharp. We're exactly on time. 

"Your highness, welcome to Bliss!" the owner gushed after Grace who gave her a small smile in return. "There's an employee waiting inside to guide you if needed. Go ahead, please." 

I began following her and she stopped at the door, turning to me with a frown. "You can't be in there." 

"I have to." 

"You can't," she gritted. "That's like following me into the bathroom." 

"You'd be alone in the bathroom. I'd wait outside." 

"So wait out here." 

"You're not alone in there, there's an employee." 

She stared at me in disbelief before throwing her hands up in frustration and heading inside. 

I followed her in, standing at the door while she talked with the employee, explaining the kind of dress she was looking for. The employee nodded and began showing her around. After picking a few dresses, Grace was shown to a changing room. 

There was a knock on the door and I stepped aside as the owner peeked her head in. "I'm very sorry to bother you. We have a client here to pick up their order, is it all right if I steal Lucy for just a moment?" 

"Sure," Grace nodded. The employee left and Grace entered the changing room, locking the door behind her. 

I took a look around the room, eavesdropped on the conversation outside, and counted each second with the tick of my watch. It took her exactly two and a half minutes to change before she unlocked the door and came out, looking in the large mirror that was located in the dead center of the room. I kept my head down, willing myself not to look. I don't think it would help, nor is it necessary. 

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