9| Secret

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Chapter 9: Secret (Grace's POV)

On our way back to the palace, I was constantly thinking about what stupidity I had just committed. Never, ever, had I told somebody the truth about what happened that day. But I remember it. I remember it vividly. 

"Atlas!" I yelled, still lisping over his name. He always bullied me about it and flicked my forehead. I huffed, whining and accepting my defeat. I couldn't find him. This game of hide and seek was too hard. I ran over to Ms. Bella, tugging at her dress. 

She stopped dusting the paintings and looked down at me, grinning. She crouched down, booping my nose. "Yes, my dear?" 


She chuckled, "Backyard." 

I gasped, my eyes going wide. I held tighter onto the brown teddy bear I named Choco and started running out to the backyard. I didn't call out his name so I could sneak up on him. I ran to the gazebo, the only hiding spot but found it empty. "Huh," I frowned, pouting while looking around. I stood on the bench and looked closer by the lake. "Mommy?" I mumbled. "Mommy!" I yelled but she was too far to hear me. I watched as my father who was standing beside her, pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration and then began yelling at her. 

My mother shook her head persistently, arguing further with him. He gave her a hard push and my brows furrowed, my hold tightening on Choco. She slapped him. 

I gasped, quickly hopping off the bench and starting to run toward them. They always fight. "Mommy!" 

He gave her a hard push and she stumbled, falling down the slope of the grass and disappearing out of sight. 

"Mom—" I gasped as someone grabbed me and pulled me behind the bush, clamping a hand over my mouth. I stared wide-eyed at Atlas. 

"Shh!" he hissed. "Stay here." 

I grabbed his arm. "Don't go." 

"Grace, please stay here," he whispered. 

"No," I whined. 

He let out a frustrated sigh and grabbed my hand, pulling me with him. We crept over, watching from behind the grand oak tree that sheltered the gazebo. 

My eyes widened as I saw my mother lying on the grass. I could see her head bleeding. "Mommy hit her head," I whisper-yelled. 

"No," Atlas mumbled. "Dad hit her." 

I blinked in confusion, looking between him and my parents. I watched silently, my eyes burning with tears as my father tied a large stone down to my mother's ankles before pushing it into the river. It sunk lower and he lifted my mom, dropping her into the water. I began sobbing and Atlas clamped a hand over my mouth quickly, pulling me away. 

"Grace!" he hissed. 

I stared up at him, crying quietly. "Where did mommy go?" 

"We didn't see anything." 

I frowned in confusion, wiping my runny nose. "Where's mommy?" 

"We don't know. We don't know anything, okay? Uh, why don't you um—" He sniffled, wiping his cheeks with the back of his hands. "Go hide, okay? I'll come find you. Go! Quickly!" He gave me a push towards the palace and I glanced at the river before sprinting back inside, still not knowing where my mommy went. 

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