5| Announcement

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Chapter 5: Announcement (Grace's POV)

I sat in my chair, losing all appetite the moment everybody walked in. I stared at the door, watching my dad question Ronan, probably asking why I didn't come to greet the James family. I watched as Ronan answered, but I was pulled out of my staring and observing when someone pulled the chair beside me and sat down. I looked over, blinking twice as Lucas smiled beside me. 


"Hi." I forced a small smile. 

"You look lovely, Grace." 

"Thank you." 

Everybody took their seats and we started eating. Nobody brought up what I was scared of happening. I counted the minutes, waiting for someone to bring it up. I saw it coming, I heard my parents talking about it. I had no idea that Ms. Bella had heard them too, she didn't tell me, which I was a little disappointed about, I felt a little betrayed, but I heard them on a separate occasion talking about Lucas and I getting married. I didn't want to marry him, for multiple reasons. 

There's nothing wrong with Lucas, per se. He's good-looking, he's well-spoken, he's sweet and charming enough. But I just can't bring myself to imagine us married, I don't see anything in him, I don't love him. I don't think I ever will. I know he's had his fair share of relationships, some with well-known women, some with ordinary girls from Wildfell. He's not known as a casanova though, in Wildfell itself, he has a good reputation, he's known to be a righteous prince. But there's just something about him that throws me off. 

"Grace." I looked up from my plate and at Mrs. James. "We heard what happened last night." 

My eyes flickered to my mother, who I could guarantee was the person that told them. 

"You must have been scared." 

I didn't say anything and stared at the food still left on my plate. 

"Let's not bring that up, mom," Lucas suggested, clearing his throat. 

I looked at him, blinking a few times in surprise. I haven't known Lucas that long, I've only met him a few times as well. It's a little surprising to see him like this. We usually don't get to talk on our own. Everyone finished eating, dessert included, and I thought I was spared, at least for tonight. But then my mother suggested Lucas and I talk on our own. 

"Yes, that's a great idea. Lucas wants to talk to you about something anyhow," his mother beamed. 

He cleared his throat and let out a breath, turning to me. "Would you like to take a walk?" Realization dawned on his face. "Not in the backyard, we could—" 

"It's okay." I swallowed before standing up. "Let's go." I'm acting on autopilot tonight. I don't want to do any of this, I'm just doing it because I know what's expected of me, it's like I memorized the script and now I'm just performing it emotionlessly. Atlas sent me a concerned look but I nodded softly, reassuring him before we opened the dining room doors. 

Both Adrian and Ronan spun around, looking between us before stepping aside, making room so we could walkthrough. 

Lucas and I started walking and another set of footsteps joined us. Ronan. Lucas cleared his throat, "Must your bodyguard accompany us?" 

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