21| Research

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Chapter 21: Research (Grace's POV)

The next day, sometime after noon, we packed up, grabbed our bags, and left. I said bye to Atlas and my dad but Judith wasn't downstairs and she was the least important to me, I say that bluntly, so I left anyway, without bidding her goodbye. He said the drive was about an hour-long since his house was on the outskirts of Astella, which means it's close to the grand lake entrance, and it's close to all the beautiful spots of Astella. 

"Did you buy the house?" I questioned, putting my feet up on the dashboard. 

He hates it when I do that, he just doesn't say anything. "No. It was left to me by my grandfather." 

I frowned in confusion, "What about your parents?" 

"That's private, Princess." 

"I thought we decided on our last trip together that you'd be letting your guard down with me," I whined. 

"We decided that's what you want. But why is it that you want me to open up to you? I'm nothing but your guard." 

"Well, we both know that's a lie," I mumbled, glancing outside, through the window. "You can tell me about the house at least, I'll be staying there for a short while." 

"No thanks, Princess." 

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Well then, it's a good thing I did my research, isn't it?" 

"Research," he mumbled. "You did a background check on me?" 

"Only what was in your file that you sent to the palace before you got this job." 

"You went through my file?" He chuckled dryly. 

"No, I didn't. Atlas did." 

He sent me a look. 

"He was curious too. We were just talking and he realized he doesn't know anything about you either, so he read your file and told me what was important." 

"Which was?" 

I paused. "Everything about you is important." 

He glanced at me. "When did you do this?" 

"A few days ago. It was in the middle of the night, you were already dismissed so I didn't technically sneak around while you were on duty." 

He took in a breath. "What did you find?" 

"Enough. Your name, age, date of birth. All the places you've worked at before, your biggest mistake, your biggest accomplishment. Your house address was left blank though." 

"I don't stay at my own house most of the time. I'm usually moving around for work, so I just rent out a loft. And for this job, I'm staying at the premises." 

I nodded in understanding. "I also found out that you are quite rich, Mr. Stone. You're the highest-paid personal bodyguard in any kingdom we're familiar with. And um... your emergency contact, in case something happens to you, is your grandma. It didn't mention anything about your parents and I didn't want to assume anything. That's why I asked," I mumbled, my voice getting softer as I spoke. 

"It's a long story." 

"We have time," I replied. 

He glanced at me again before nodding slowly. "Fine." 

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