3| Blood

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Chapter 3: Blood (Grace's POV)

I sat in front of my parents in my father's study. It's like we're having an intervention, two against one. I'm sitting on one side, my father's sitting there, my mother's standing beside him. "What are you talking about?" My father let out a frustrated sigh, rolling his eyes. 

"I'm talking about getting a different bodyguard," I repeated for the third time. 

"Why?" My mother whined. "He's the best guard we could possibly have for you after what happened last night." 

"He's worked in all neighboring kingdoms and everybody recommends him. He's worked with all royal families for long periods of time. He's the best to keep you safe," my father added. 

"I don't like him," I said through gritted teeth. 

"You're being ungrateful," my mother scolded. "We didn't raise you to be a brat." 

"Judith," my father said sternly. He sighed again, looking at me. "Why is it such an issue? Honey, Finn was with you for so long, I'm sure it's hard to adjust, just give it some time." 

I bit back a groan and sunk further into the chair, looking around the room. He's fucking cold. I'm not being a brat and whining about it, I can see it already. He's stone-cold and heartless. How could he say all those things right after Finn passed away? There are some basic, unspoken rules after someone dies. You don't say anything to upset those who were affected! 

His words hurt even if they should mean nothing. They angered me, made my blood boil. Who does he think he is, coming in and throwing his opinion at me like confetti? I didn't ask for it, and he's wrong! It's not my fault. In fact, I did everything he said I should have. I noticed it all weeks ago. The dark corner, the glass doors, the lack of security, and I had told my parents to change it. They said they would and then forget about it, and that now cost Finn's life. 

"Fine," I sighed, standing up. It's pointless. 

My father is certainly nicer between my parents, we have a better relationship. It's weird to say, but I feel like my mother thinks of me as competition. It's twisted, it might not even be true. But I can't help notice the little things, for instance, if I ever visit town, she makes it a point to visit the very next day, bringing photographers for the paper with her. If I'm talking to a guest at a party, she makes it a point to interrupt and talk about something else entirely, desperate to have the guest's attention. It's bothersome, but it's not worth my energy. And neither is trying to convince my parents of anything, ever. Because even if my dad agrees, my mom persuades him to agree with her instead. 

I stood up and spun around, walking to the door and pushing it open with more force than necessary. I froze in my tracks, seeing Ronan standing right in front of me, waiting. 

He smirked, sending me a small wave and I rolled my eyes and shut the doors, heading up to my room. "What's wrong?" He walked beside me. "Your parents didn't listen?" he teased. "Well, you can't get rid of me that easily, sorry." 

"Stop talking," I groaned, reaching the first floor and then continuing to make my way upstairs. We made it to my room and I stopped in front of my door, turning to him with a huff. "Stop," I said, deciding to be nice. At least try being a little nice. "Please stop." I swallowed, staring at his eyes. "You're my bodyguard, right? So let's keep this professional. Guard the door, scan a room before I walk in, do background checks on people, whatever. Do your job. That doesn't include tormenting me. Especially right now." 

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