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"Are you sure?"

Maybe if he had asked you yesterday you would have hesitated. Maybe then you would have fumbled for an answer. Right now, however...


You have absolutely no hesitation left.

Setting the contract on his desk, you sit down, meeting his eyes with determination.

Remember, Yen.

You promised yourself.

After looking over the contract, occasionally smirking at your little footnotes which show you went through every single detail, he raises his eyes to yours. "May I ask you a question?"

"Of course," you nod, bracing yourself for what he will say next.

"Why did you change your mind?"

You blink in surprise.

How did he know? Was your hesitation that obvious?

Sighing to yourself, you shake your head. And here you thought you could hide everything so easily.

"I was reminded of something." You answer him, hoping that he won't press any further, but when he raises his eyebrow, you realize that you'll have to give him more than that. "I live for myself, not anyone else."

He smiles in satisfaction and leans back in his chair once more regarding you with that pondering gaze. An unsettling one that tells you he's already making moves and countermoves on his chessboard.

"I see, so this path, this is what you want?"

You don't know why he's so adamant about your reason, but given the situation, you suppose you could humor him a bit more.

"This is my dream, I'm not going to give it up because I'm afraid."

He can't help but chuckle at your determination.

The struggle of a young artist, the need to be someone, to achieve a dream everyone else said would never make it. To follow a path others would rather destroy than help you build, takes guts. It takes a strong-willed person to be able to face that.

You are far from ready, that much is evident.

But you have what it takes.


You can't help but feel relieved.

"Now, before you start, there are some things you need to know." Leaning forward, he folds his hands on his desk. "Because you are BigHits first female trainee since GLAM, we must take some extra precautions."

"Precautions?" Even though you expected something like this, you're still curious. In the contract, it mentioned a severe privacy policy. Specifically about your involvement in the company. It seemed as though not even the staff could know.

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