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Everyone's shouting.

The doctors bark orders, the producers of the show fight with Sejin, and the staff members are milling about, calling for assistance. It's loud, overwhelming, full of noise, and makes the pain worse. But if he were being completely honest, Jimin can hardly make any sense amongst all the noise for the roar in his ears drowns everything out.

His mind is scattered, the details blurring together as his vision fades in and out from the blinding pain. He bites his bottom lip so hard as the doctor tries his best to bandage his foot carefully, that he can taste the iron of his blood when his teeth puncture through his flesh. Perhaps this new wave of pain should distract him from the swimming world before him, but all it does is add to the chaos, the fear, the adrenaline, and his never-ending deprecation.

He knew, he just knew that he should've practiced that transition better. He already knew the choreo for his duet by heart, it was this move he needed to focus on. They were waiting for him, they trusted him to be his best, to be as perfect as he had always been. And he had failed them, he had destroyed that expectation just as quickly as it had been formed. The performance was ruined, he was ruined, and now everything is falling apart. He should have known better, he should have done better, he should have...

Should have.

That's right, there's no use focusing on the past. Dwelling on something that he cannot go back and change is pointless, useless. Right now, he has to deal with what is right in front of him. And as his eyes catch Yen's worried ones by the door, a sudden wave of hopelessness attacks his heart.

What are we going to do?

"We have to decide fast, the producer said they can only give us ten minutes of spare time," Namjoon murmurs under his breath as Sejin breaks from the group and guides the producers outside the already crowded room.

It's not hard to tell that Namjoon is worried, and the talk with the producers hasn't helped his mood in the slightest. His brow creases as he watches the doctor work, eyes lost in some distant corner of his mind as they darken in apprehension.

"What are we supposed to do?" Jungkook throws his hands in the air in his exasperation. Everything has become too heavy and suffocating, so much so that the tension that grows by the second starts to slowly break each and every one of them at the seams. "Jimin can't dance on that ankle, and that's the whole point of Yen's performance!"

This isn't the same as getting injured at a concert, it's not the same as having a sore throat or their voice cracking at a pivotal part in a performance. This isn't a mistake that is so easily remedied, for this doesn't affect only them, it affects Yen as well.

"Jungkook, calm down, we cannot afford to let our emotions get the better of us," Hoseok says in hushed tones as he takes Jungkook's arm in his hold.

One glance at his calm eyes and Jungkook realizes his panic is only making matters worse. He goes quiet, his inner turmoil now being channeled through the fire in his eyes, tense shoulders and tight fists. Hoseok can't exactly blame him, however, for he feels the same way.

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