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As the crowd cheers wildly, BangPD's chest fills to the brim with pride. Looking on as LE SSERAFIM makes their way up the stage to receive their daesang, he smiles.

When BTS decided to enlist, everyone doubted him and his company. The very same company he built from the ground up, fought against all odds, and gave up his life for. Every shareholder and investor told him that he was doomed, that his company would go under if they lost BTS, even if it was for a few years. And at the time, for a company with only two groups to their name, no matter how successful, he knew they were telling the truth.

Sihyuk would be lying if he said he didn't scramble to find a solution. He gave up his position as CEO just to ensure that when they left, Sihyuk would be in a position of power where he could make the decisions he needed to make and Jiwon would ensure his company did not suffer in his wake. And while he was aware that Jiwon's cruel but necessary methods would give rapid birth to groups meant to survive under a well-oiled machine, he was also aware it was a sacrifice he needed to make for them to survive.

So he created HYBE. He acquired the sub-labels that needed him the most, the ones that would bring them more popularity, more money, more security. He started survival shows to find the next generation of idols, and hosted publicity stunts so that the company's identity was no longer defined simply because of BTS. He fought so they could forge their own identity and their own name. And if that meant erasing BTS, even for a little while, he was willing to do that.

He doesn't regret what he did.

But he does regret the carelessness with which he did it.

As he looks on, smiling faintly at their acceptance speech, he can't help but notice the way Yunjin glances into the distance, her eyes locking in on one person and softening with a radiant smile as soon as she sees him. A cold dreaded feeling spreading its icy talons in his veins, Sihyuk follows her gaze to see Yeonjun smiling up at her proudly with the same look in his eyes. His cheeks blossom with a faint rosy hue as she shakes the award she holds in her hands his way in her excitement. It's a small interaction you would only notice if you were paying close attention, and one that makes Yeonjun's eyes sparkle exuberantly. He chuckles softly to himself, covering the encounter up by turning to Soobin who sits next to him, and whispering something incoherent in his ears. It's so subtle, that if any fan were to look back on the moment they would brush it off as nothing more than friends cheering each other on. Or perhaps explain Yunjin's smile and shake to the audience as a simple heartfelt interaction with her fans.

To Sihyuk's eyes, however, he sees the interaction for what it truly is.

"They're going to have to watch themselves aren't they?" At the sound of Jiwon's voice, Sihyuk's eyes widen and he turns around, watching as he settles into the seat beside him. "After all, not many would support their relationship, considering LE SSERAFIM is still a fairly new group, due for many more awards and recognition without another scandal tarnishing their reputation."

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