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Like always, it is befuddlement to you how you manage to get yourself into these situations.

Then again, it's not like you don't have anyone to blame.

"Lucky break we were running late too, huh?"

You narrow your eyes Jimin's way as he smiles cheekily, wondering quietly how quickly it would take to suffocate him without anyone else noticing.

"I could have taken another car."

Though your statement isn't entirely true, you know his rescue wasn't out of pure intentions. After all, Tae is there, and ever since yours and Jimin's heart-to-heart on the roof, he's been hell-bent on your reconciliation. If there's even much to reconcile anymore.

You spare a glance Taehyung's way, and another stab of pain injects itself in your heart as a response.

Ever since your attack, things have been quieter than ever, a chill ice wall building itself between the two of you in your silence. In reality, you're a little thankful for Jimin's presence today, despite your extreme annoyance. After all, at least it's not the two of you alone trapped in the same car, with uncomfortable icy tension escalating every minute you spend next to the other.

Is there anything left to salvage anymore?

"Hush Yen, this just means more bonding time." You raise your eyebrow unscrupulously his way, and maybe it's just you but his next chuckle seems to be a bit more nervous rather than the blatant joy he showed before. "Besides, all the staff cars have already left, and we need you there."

You scoff, folding your arms and staring out the window in indignation at the blatant lie.

Jimin wishes he could say it was the truth, but in reality, they have plenty of staff at the venue to aid them in their preparation for their conference. After all, it's only a conference, it's not like they are preparing for a concert or anything. In truth, it's just more convenient for Jimin to use that excuse so she and Tae could be in the same area for more than a few minutes.

And, if he's being completely honest with himself, he would prefer it if she was there.

Things have been on edge ever since her attack, not only between her and Taehyung but with the rest of the members as well. They're worried, and more than that, they're scared. Afraid of losing her, afraid of making the wrong decision, afraid that she's not ready. And the worst part is, they don't know how to help her.

Jimin can tell that something is eating her up inside, has been ever since she first walked into their lives. He can't tell what, he can't tell why, all he knows is that she's trying so hard to be strong and carry on, but it's weighing her down. Tearing her apart from the inside out like a deadly poison that will not stop until it's eaten away at every part of her and left nothing behind but an empty husk of what she used to be.

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