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Jimin takes a deep breath as soon as he steps outside. He basks in the cool breeze, and the warmth the fading sun casts on his face. After the suffocation in the dance studio, he needed an escape.

All he wants is to escape.

Running his hands haphazardly through his hair, he almost wishes for a cigarette, alcohol, drugs, anything to help him erase her from his memory. A futile effort to forget everything that happened between them, and move on.

But what is it exactly he has to move on from?

And why is it so hard?

By the time you come out to join him, he is already on the other side of the roof, sitting on the edge of a generator. You take a deep breath before going over to him, knowing full well that you may be the last person he wants to see, but that you are perhaps the only one who he can talk to right now. Perhaps he realizes this too, for when you reach his side, mumbling a feeble greeting he hardly flinches as though he expected you to show up beside him.

"Of course," He mutters bitterly, small confirmation to your earlier assumption, but a hurtful one nonetheless. In other circumstances, you might have left, but for some reason, you can't find it within you to leave him alone.

"Way to be discreet," you scoff instead, making sure you're clear that the statement has affected you. The message is received and as Jimin winces, opening his mouth to apologize or defend himself, you aren't really sure which, you hold up your hand, stopping his sentence in its tracks. "There's no need to explain. I get it."

His eyes meet yours for a moment, and you wonder if he wants to say something to you, a growing sentence growing present on his tongue, but in the end, nothing comes and he turns back to the growing sunset. Gathering the courage to sit beside him, you turn to give him a sideways glance, somewhat worried. You and Jimin never particularly clicked, but he was never cold nor unkind to you, rather it seemed as though he were keeping his distance until he was sure you were someone he would be able to trust. It was quite different from the persona he exuberated onscreen, but you cannot blame him for hiding his insecurities. After all, you aren't much different in retrospect.

"Are you okay?" you ask him, his shoulders tensing as soon as the question leaves your mouth. You sense the sudden change in disposition, and quickly explain yourself, hoping you aren't overstepping your boundaries as much as it seems. "You messed up. That doesn't happen."

Jimin chuckles bitterly as he meets your eyes, the dark, near haunted look within them startling you.

"I am human, you know."

His sentence, while said with a lighthearted temperament, holds more weight than either of you realize at the moment. Because of this, and because of your desire to find a way to ease his mind, you discard the possible anomaly, the broken craving for someone within the spotlight to be seen as human. Instead, you smirk, leaning forward and raising one eyebrow his way incredulously.

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