Harlem Project

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I woke up and saw that I was on Hunter's bed. He wasn't next to me. I had probably fallen asleep next to him last night and he decided not to wake me. I checked the time on my phone and saw that it was almost 9. I was usually out of the house by 8. 

I jumped up to leave but saw him coming out of the bathroom buttoning up his shirt. He stopped when he saw me. He stood there for a good ten seconds before I broke the silence.

"Good morning," I said.

"Morning," he said as he looked for something in his closet.

Last night was good. Now it was just time to wait. He meant it when you said he would make it up to me. It felt more like pleasure than business to me but I knew it meant all business to him.

"I thought you were going to stay in because your lady parts are broken."

It did hurt a little. "Haha so funny. I don't feel a thing."

He looked at me then at his watch. "I really should get going," he said then rushed out.

I fell back on his bed and inhaled the scent for a few minutes. He had a subtle woodsy scent that just smelt so good. I practically had to force myself to get up.

I showered quickly then put on a white crop top with a matching green jacket and pants. The crop top was a bit revealing for the dress code but I'm the type of CEO that says 'my company, my rules'.  I went downstairs to get my coffee.

"Good morning Mrs. Lodge."

"Good morning Ms. Turner."

"I thought you left already."

"No, I overslept and Hunter didn't wake me."

"I'm guessing you two were busy last night."

I almost spilled my coffee. "Why would you think that."

"Dear, your cheeks are so red I could cook something on them," she said and I laughed.

"Bye Ms. Turner," I said as I rushed out.

I drove faster than usual and reached work in 10 minutes.

"Good morning Mrs. Lodge. You're glowing this morning." Jannette said.

I smiled. "Thank you, Jannette."

She dropped a stack of papers in my hand and my smile dropped.

"Mr. Lodge's assistant dropped off these for you to sign off on and some of those are stuff the board sent to be approved.

I sighed. "You were supposed to have lunch with your father but he canceled."

Dad was probably mad that I ignored him but I needed space. "Thanks, Jannette that will be all."

I rested the papers on my desk and picked up my phone.


"Hi, dad."

"Oh, now you want to talk to me?"

"I'm sorry dad. How about we have dinner tonight at La Rosa?"

"Why don't we have dinner at your house? I've never been. John can come along too. It can be a family dinner."

No, no, no! "Fine dad. I have a lot of work to do so bye." I said then hang up. All I wanted was a dinner with my dad not with dad and John. When those two got together, they were so controlling.

I went to my desk and started looking over the files. An hour later Hunter came in. He didn't say a word instead he pulled my draw and took out my key to unlock my cabinet.

I got up and walked over to him. "Hey, you can't do that!"

He turned to me looking very upset. "You told me that you had the Harlem Project under control!"

"I do."

"Really? So why did my financial officer tell me that we lost half a freaking million dollars because of it."

I didn't act surprised.

"You knew about this didn't you?"

"Yes, Hunter but-"

"No buts. We agreed on telling each other everything. That's how a partnership works Sophia!"

"It's just half a million dollars. We can easily make it back."

"And what about the next time?" he shouted.

"I'm handling it."

"Since you're 'handling' it, I want you to cut the project and fire everyone from it. If we continue it we'll be bankrupt."

"You can't do that."

"Yes, I can. I'm the boss!" he shouted.

"I'm the boss too!" I shouted back.

We stared angrily into each other's eyes. Smoke was practically steaming out his nose and I'm sure mine too.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt." I heard Jannette's voice say.

"That's fine. I was leaving anyway." Hunter said then left with the file.

"What was so urgent Jannette!" I shouted. I didn't mean to shout but I was still angry.

"Mr. Andrew is on the phone. He wants to pull the plug with your deal."

"What?" I said as I ran to my desk and picked up the line.

"Mr. Andrew..." I tried to negotiate with him. I had already messed up one project, I couldn't let Hunter know I had lost another. I rubbed my forehead and sighed. Today was going to be a long and stressful day.


I came straight home after work because I knew dad and Mr. Lodge were coming for dinner. I passed Hunter's office and he was buried with work. I don't even think he noticed I passed. I went into my room, changed then headed down to the kitchen. I was just going to make us a simple chicken pasta.

The doorbell rang after I'd just turned off the stove.

"Dad!" I greeted him with a hug.

"Mr. Lodge!" I also greeted him with a hug.

My dad looked around. "In here is a little dark."

"Hunter seems to like it that way," I said.

"He was always like this. I thought it was a phase but I guess not." Mr. Lodge added.

"I'll go get Hunter," I said then ran to his office. "Hunter."

"I'm busy right now," he mumbled.

"Our dads are downstairs."


"They came for dinner. You have to come." I said then left. Hunter came down a few minutes later then we all started to eat in silence.

"Hunter you look a little bit drained." his father said.

"Not drained, just stressed from having to clean up someone's mess."

I gave him a death glare. "I said I was handling it."

"Well maybe if you weren't so shitty at your job you wouldn't have to be handling this."

"Hunter! Don't talk to your wife like that!" John shouted. "Is there anything I can help with?"

"No, it's fine dad. I'll handle it or maybe Sophia because she's the boss right?"

"No, Sophia can't be stressed while you guys are trying to have a baby." dad said.

We all turned to him.

"Dad!" I said.

"What?" he asked.

"Not the time Joe," John said.

"Fine but when is the time John? Those two aren't making any good progress. All they do is fight."

Dad was unbelievable. Hunter and I were trying our best. For the rest of the night, dinner was filled with angry tension.

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