Second Date

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"I can't believe I left work early for this," Hunter grumbled as we sat in a restaurant, waiting for the waitress.

We both left work and came straight here. Kennedy had made the reservation to a restaurant she and Zach always went to. The restaurant was good but I liked La Rosa better.

We had to wait a whole month for the reservation.

The waitress rushed to our table. "I'm sorry for the wait. What can I get you guys?"

"Give me the orange basil salmon meal with Bourbon as its drink," Hunter said as he gave back his menu to the waitress, who was trying to scribble down everything.

She turned to me. "And for you?"

I gave her back the menu. "I'll have the same but I want water instead of Bourbon."

She nodded then rushed off.

"I can't believe you're trying to get drunk in the middle of the day," I said to him.

"I'm not. One drink doesn't get me drunk."

I didn't say anything else until our food was brought. A different waitress came and brought our food.

"Nice seeing you again Mr. Lodge!" she said and he gave her a polite smile before she left.

We started eating.

"So do you come here often?" I asked.

He nodded. "Dad and I would come here for business lunches."

I nodded and studied him for a while before I said anything else. As he ate, his body looked relaxed and thankful for a break from work. He had been working so hard that I barely saw him at home for the week. He was gone before I was up and reached home after I went to sleep.

"I'm sorry."

He looked at me confused. "For?"

"Three years ago."

He froze.


"Hunter, I have something to tell you," I said as my heart raced.

He rested his index finger on my lips. "Shh, I have something to give you."

He pulled out two tickets out of his pocket.

"What's this?"

"Tickets to the concert this weekend."

"But you hate concerts."

"I know but we've been working so hard on this project. We're going to be making millions at only 25!" he rejoiced.

My heart sank. "Hunter..."

Just when I was about to tell him, his phone rang. His smile immediately dropped as he looked at me.

"You sold it?" he shouted. "You sold our work to an almost freaking bankrupt company?"

"Hunter, I was going to tell you-"

"So it's true?"

"It wasn't going to benefit us for long. It was just some silly project."

"Yeah, some silly project that we worked hard on. Do you know many nights I've stayed up bursting my brains out so I could get this thing done right?"

"I did it for us!" I shouted.

"No, you did it for you. You cold-hearted, selfish bitch. I don't ever want to see your face again." he said then walked out.

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