Early Delivery

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I was awoken by a loud noise. When I looked, it was Hunter pulling out his suitcase.

"Hunter what are you doing?"

"I need to leave now," he said as he shoved his clothes into his suitcase.


"One of my investors pulled out and I need to get him back."

"Hunter it's just one investor. It can't be so bad."

He pinched the bridge of his nose. "It is! That investor invested sixty percent of this year's investments. If I lose him, not only would Lodge Enterprises be in serious debt but Bass Enterprises too. I can't let this happen. We won't be able to recover."

I was now starting to feel guilty. This was all my fault. If I hadn't been so stubborn about Hunter, none of this would've happened.

"I can't believe he would just back out on me like that. People are so unreliable." he continued.

"Hunter, I have to tell you something."

He stopped and looked at me, waiting for my speech.

"You were right."

He raised his eyebrow. "Be more specific because I'm always right."

Even when he's on the verge of going bankrupt he still has an ego.

"You were right about us not belonging with each other. We should just go back to strictly business."

He examined me. I knew he was to see if I was lying or not. I tried to put on a serious face.

"Sophia this is not the time to joke around right now," he said trying to stay calm.

"I'm not. I'm serious. We can work out what we're going to do when you come back. I just wanted to give you a heads up."

He started to laugh. "I did so many things for you that I wouldn't have done for any other woman and this is how you want to repay me?" he asked but I didn't respond.

"I'm sorry but I just don't see us working out."

"Where is this even coming from? Why do you want to stop so suddenly?" he shouted.

I stayed quiet.

"I was waiting to take you on a date to tell you this but it looks like there might not be a next one."

He held my hand and took a deep breath. "I know I said there is no such thing as love but I think I'm in love with you Sophia."

At this point, I felt the tears growing in my eyes getting ready to fall but I resisted. I had to keep on my straight face. "Well, I don't love you back."

Now his facial expression drastically changed. His face was no longer angry but immediately changed to emotionless.

He shook his head and let out a dry laugh. "I should've known you would've pulled something like this."

I just wanted to scream out the truth that I was lying and I loved him back. I couldn't allow his father to ruin what he's worked so hard for. Business is the one thing that Hunter loves fully. I couldn't make him choose between me or the business. He'll be unhappy either way so it's best if I just let him hate me again.

His phone rang and he picked it up. "I'll be there soon."

He picked up his suitcase and walked out. He didn't even bother taking a second look at me. I broke down into tears as soon as I heard the entrance door slam. I hate that I hurt him and I hate even more that his dad put us in this situation.

Drowning myself with alcohol sounded like the easiest option right now but I couldn't disappoint Hunter even more. I had to be strong for mini Hunter and keep him healthy.

I put on the water to run in the bath then got in. As I sat there, I suddenly felt alone. Hunter hadn't even been gone for long and I had already missed him. I'd managed to push away everyone on purpose. First, it was the only three women who considered me as a friend now it was the man I loved.

Hunter even admitted to me that he loved me and I answered back so cruelly. I just allowed all the tears to flow. When he finally trusted me, I went and ruined it again. I wasn't a bad wife, I was a bad person in general.

Hunter's dog came in and started to watch me.

"I already feel bad, you don't have to look at me like that!"

I got up out of the bath and went to look at myself in the mirror. That sharp pain from yesterday was back. This time I saw blood dripping down.

I wrapped the towel around me then quickly ran for my phone. I called my obstetrician and she told me to meet her at the hospital.


When I reached, she did a quick ultrasound on me. When she was finished she looked at the nurse and gave her a nod.

"What's going on?" I asked as I started to panic. "Is the baby okay?"

"Mrs. Lodge it looks like we're going to have to deliver your baby early."

I shook my head vigorously. "No, no you can't! It's not time yet!"

"Mrs. Lodge please relax. You're putting even more pressure on the baby."

I started to cry again. "Please don't do this. Hunter isn't here." 

"Get the OR prepped," she said to the nurses and turned to me. "If you don't have this C-section your baby won't survive and there is a chance you wouldn't either. I have a duty to keep you both alive. You have 5 minutes to call whoever then I'll take you into surgery."

When she left, I picked up my phone and called Hunter but his phone went straight to voicemail. He probably was already in the air or just didn't care to answer me. Whichever one it was, he wasn't answering.

I called my dad and after telling him where I was, he immediately hung up the phone.

The nurses came and moved me to the operating room. I was injected with a regional anesthesia that numbed the lower part of my body, allowing me to remain awake during the C-section.

Although my doctor and nurses were there, I still felt like I was alone. I'd imagined Hunter cheering next to me as I pushed out the baby or him fainting after seeing all that blood. His presence was missed.

Around 45 minutes later I saw the nurses take the baby out of the room. I couldn't see his face but I saw his little body. He wasn't crying or making any noise at all.

"What's wrong with him?" I shouted.

The doctor looked at me then followed the nurses.

"We're going to take you back to your room now Mrs. Lodge. Your father and in-law are already waiting." the nurse said as they moved out of the room.

My day just kept getting worse.

As soon as I was brought back, dad came and hugged me. Mr. Lodge tried to as well but I pushed him back.

"Where's the baby?" dad asked.

"He's dead."

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