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After work, I hung out with my friends Mira, May, and Florencio. We haven't had a chance to bond for almost a month, so I missed them so much. At the moment, I don't feel like going back home early, as I'm still not on good terms with my mother, and I'm tired of arguing with her. Whenever I'm with my friends, time flies, and I forget about all my problems just for this moment. I, Miranda, Florencio, and May have been friends for decades. We have faced difficulties and overcome tests that have strengthened our friendship. We worked things out and survived through thick and thin.

"This is weird, Iris. Are you okay?" Mira said while her arms were anchored to my right arm. "This is the first time you came with us for almost a month in your so-called solitary confinement."

"I missed this... Why? You don't like it?" I answered.

"Girl! Of course, we love it. Someone will treat us tonight, right?"

Look at Florencio. I always treat them whenever we dine out at the plaza. We crave street foods like kwek-kwek, fishballs, and isaw with sago and gulaman. I know those foods are not as grand as those in the restos, but they will still thank me, and that's why I love them. They appreciate those simple things, and that's how humble they are.

"So, what are we waiting for? Plaza! Here we come," May snapped at us. She raised her left hand in the air and directed her fingers toward the direction of the plaza. Whenever she did it, her bosom bounced like it had a life of its own.

We all walked together towards the school's gate.

"W-wait!" We all halted, and when we turned around, "Can I come with you?"

Hector stood from afar with his hands on his legs, panting as if he had run fast to catch up with us.

The three exchanged glances and said, "Yes!" in their cheerful chorus voices. I stared at them and tried to contain my laughter. Their eyes had almost turned into hearts. Their energy soared, and their giddiness was on the next level.

I went near Hector, but Florencio shoved me away. He rushed close to him and curled his arms around Hector's left arm.

"Let's go, Hector; I'll show you the way. Gosh! Your face reminds me of him.

There goes his drama again.

"Knock it off," Mira told him. She went beside Hector, too. "Dream on, girl,"

She curled her arms around Hector's right side.

Hector's reaction was like that of an innocent child who never knew what to do, and I couldn't help but laugh at him. The two cornered him as if they were close, and Hector looked like he had no choice.

It had been a few days since our bond on the hill, and now I felt at ease whenever he was around. I had a bit of a crush on him, but it was infatuation and nothing serious. My heart belonged to Albert still, and I longed for his presence.

As I thought of Albert, I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. Suddenly, I was brought back to reality by seeing Miranda and Florencio drag Hector towards the gate. I couldn't help but laugh and shake my head at their antics.

May came to my side and anchored her arms. "Let's go, Iris!"

We all walked out of the school campus, and they all made my day. Miranda and Florencio were pushy. They wouldn't take their arms off Hector. They stuck to him like Velcro, and it almost turned hilarious. Seriously, girls? The good thing was that Hector was okay with it but kept glancing at me as if he wanted to call for help.

As dusk settled in, the sky turned dark. We reached the plaza, and many people caught my attention. It was evident that almost the entire population of Poblacion was there. Then I realized it was a Friday, which explained the crowd.

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