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As my sight returned, I was greeted with the presence of everyone's eyes fixed on me. I shifted my gaze towards my right and saw a strikingly tall, slender woman approaching us. Her body seemed to emit a radiant aura. Although she had a human-like appearance, her eyes were gleaming like diamonds. She carried herself elegantly and gracefully, dressed in a pristine white outfit that complemented her bald head. The most intriguing aspect of her appearance was the glowing triangle rune at the center of her forehead, which left me completely spellbound in her presence.

"She's Gaeia, an Andromedan," Marinagua whispered.

"Hello!" I stood up from my seat and bowed, trying to be as polite as possible. "I'm Erier, a Xyle-ver."

"It's a pleasure meeting you, Erier," a voice said. She talked to me just like a walking telepathic receiver. Was she the one who controlled my mind a while ago?

"Take your seat," she said again.

She lingered in my thoughts, driving me to madness. These were the leaders of the Alien Convention; each possessed an uncanny character. Before our conversation, the three leaders instructed me to revert to my alien form.

I rose from my seat and walked a meter away from them. Then, I created a white force field that enveloped my entire body. In just a matter of seconds, I transformed back into my Xyle-Ver form.

"He still looks cute in his true form," I heard Chamie say. She grabbed Marinagua's hand and giggled like a kid.

I put on my earphones and returned to my seat, but Eke blocked my way and looked astonished.

"I cannot believe it. It is true," Eke said.

My brow creased from confusion. "Excuse me?"

He was utterly taken aback. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but he suddenly froze, just like I had done earlier. He turned around and walked away as if he were hypnotized.

I was confident that Gaeia had something to do with this. Looking back at her, I saw her sitting still like a statue, creepily staring at me. It was clear that these leaders possessed strange powers.

I informed the leaders about my encounter with the Alpha-Draconians. They expressed gratitude as I provided crucial information regarding the aliens' recent activities. These extraterrestrial beings were again engaging in illegal activities under their noses.

I was informed that they closely monitored the Alpha-Draconians. They had been keeping tabs on their activities for a while and viewed them as their arch-nemesis. They also mentioned that every extraterrestrial species on Earth had developed an intense hatred towards the Alpha-Draconians over time.

On the plus side, the organization's purpose was an eye-opener. I love how they were true to their intention of protecting Earth against these malevolent alien races. I don't know their stand on this, but I'm optimistic. And these were not only exclusive to this world but even to every planet.

"Be careful," Gaeia said. "We're here to help you,"

Ezeros added. "Draggo is a conniving piece of sh*t."


"The leader of the Alpha-Draconian is a hard nut to crack. He lives and breathes war."

"Does he have a weakness? I never saw him."

"He hates introductions, Erier," Eke cut in. "And we don't see any weakness in him at all. The Alpha-Draconians exist to spread terror, and most reptilian races have hated them to the core."

A Past with an AlienTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon