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I ran away from that place the moment I saw Iris. Besides, I don't want to put them in a dangerous situation. When I saw her embracing a human guy, I recognized who he was. The way she curled her arms around him made me feel strange, and it was unexplainable. There was a sudden pain inside my body, yet I could not identify which part it was. I backed off because I didn't particularly appreciate looking at her in that scenario. I went out and chose to fight Crey instead.

I faced Crey with mixed emotions building up inside me. I was raging when I saw him again. I attacked him, and I could not control my feelings. I punched his face and kicked him to the point where he stepped back with a look of surprise at my unexplainable strength. He retreated and bolted fast, like the wind, away from me. But I chased him, and we ran after each other like thunder. He shot multiple laser beams at me, but I deflected them keenly. They strayed into buildings we passed along, and explosions were all coming in on every path we took.

We both ended up in a familiar-looking place, the elementary school of Poblacion. I threw a laser beam at Crey, but he vanished, and it hit the concrete fence of the school. I walked, crossed the torn-down wall, and entered the schoolyard. I kept glancing around until I stopped in the middle of the quadrangle. Even though darkness wrapped around everyone, the red barrier was still visible from afar. And on every horizon, light flashes from explosions, laser beams, and force fields dominate. The loud booming prevailed too, but not here, where the danger made this place silent.

My vision scanned the quadrangle, and with a keen sense, I paced slowly until a heavyweight knocked me from behind, hurling me away with solid force. I tried to regain my balance and stood up quickly, but my feet almost sank.

Crey took me by surprise, standing from afar. He unleashed his terrifying growl and bolted toward me, but I charged back until we reached each other and wrestled as fast as lightning. We were like raging animals, destroying every place we came near. I fought with all my strength, thinking of Captain Zegyr, who sacrificed his life for us. He had failed to kill this asshole, but not me. As time passed, I had already adapted to this kind of battle, and I planned to change my career when we returned home.

Crey smacked me with his tail, hurling me farther again, and I ended up in one of the school buildings, crushing the wall from the impact. Tables and chairs flew everywhere, to my effect, but I tried to regain my composure. I sat on the floor, leaning against the wall, and stared at the chaotic interior of the room. The tables tumbled down while others were cut in half, and papers flew everywhere. At the same time, sparks flickered from the broken cables of lighting fixtures.

A picture frame fell to the floor, and I grabbed it, taking a chance to look at the photo. I was surprised when I saw my human self in it, with Iris beside me and her three friends. I felt sentimental then, realizing these human beings differed from me. Yet I had spent the happiest moments here. I realized that this world had a lot of love, and at this moment, I couldn't let go of the frame in my hands, not until I noticed a bright light approaching me.

With a keen instinct, I threw the frame, raised my two hands fast, and created a force field, avoiding the shot of laser beams, but it pushed me away further from the powerful force. I crushed the wall again and ended up on the other side, noticing that it was Ma'am Batongbakal's office. The strength from the shot had forced my body to strike a wooden table that parted into two, and thick smoke engulfed everything in the room.

I could see Crey's silhouette moving, approaching in my direction. He tossed the obstructing pieces of furniture and growled much louder, but I was used to it and didn't fear him anymore. I stood up and clung to the ceiling, stretching my body while facing the floor below. His footsteps were getting louder as he entered the room.

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