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I gathered more strength to stand up and noticed that thick white fog had enveloped the beachfront. What happened? I looked around, and Iris was the first thing that came to mind.

"Exterminate those motherf**kers!" I jolted at the sound, and it was Crey's monstrous voice.

I glanced to my left and saw him when the fog dispersed. He stood a meter from me, and his right index finger pointed at the sea. When I followed it, I was surprised. From afar, the sea was shining brightly. My lips curled upward because I knew that they would come. The Nommos had answered my call.

Were they the ones who caused the explosion? Why did we get involved in the blast? My body ached from the fall, and at this moment, I felt worried about Iris because she was human. I found her not far from where I stood, lying unconscious. I rushed to her, hoping she was still okay.

Crey's soldiers were all racing towards the seawater, now in their monster form. My vision zoomed in on the bright lights from afar. As I confirmed, it was Marinagua with Sir Pasipiko beside her.

Sir Pasipiko grabbed the trident from Marinagua's hand and raised it high. A lightning bolt came from the sky and struck the trident. The Nommos jumped into the seawater individually and came here to fight the monsters. I felt relieved and turned my head back to Iris. I saw a wound on her forehead with blood trickling down from it. I realized that humans have the same color of blood as we do. I raised my left palm and placed it on top of her face. My palm glowed as I set up a force field to cover her body, but she suddenly coughed.

My heart jumped with joy, and I took a deep breath. Thank goodness! She's still okay. Her eyes opened wide, and I curled my left arm under her neck. I raised her and put her head above my legs.

"Hector," Iris said in her croaky voice. "What happened?"

"Can you stand up?" I asked her. She tried to sit up. "We will run away from here. Someone is helping us right now."

We were both distracted by a sudden thunder roar and lightning flashes around us. The fog got so thick that you couldn't see the night sky or the moon above. I didn't know what was happening around me. All I could hear was the zapping of laser beams, followed by explosions that echoed everywhere. Even the seawater had made its sound too.

I cradled Iris, and she might be unable to walk faster now with a condition like that. My head was turning in every direction because I was confused about where to go. Everywhere I looked, there was thick white fog in front of me.

And then a pair of vigorous eyes cropped up from the fog. A tail popped out of the air and hit me with a powerful blow. The force threw me up high, and Iris slipped from my arms. My body reached the sands, rolling near the water like a wheel. But still, I tried to regain balance and stood up as fast as I could.

Crey emerged from the fog and grabbed me by my neck with his right hand. His grip was so powerful that it weakened me, and I sank to my knees. He raised me high and choked me to death. He was much taller than me, so my feet no longer touched the sand. I felt like I was dying from pain for the first time. The human shell could no longer protect my Xyle-ver body. I gave all my strength to struggle, and even though I was losing breath, I had to stay alive and fight. I tried to tap my right arm, but my energy was dwindling.

"Let him go!" I heard a voice.

Crey threw me into the water, and when I fell, I looked around and saw Marinagua unhand a pointed shell. She stabbed Crey in his left leg, shrieking in pain.

Crey kicked Marinagua with all his strength, which made me horrified. She vanished from sight, and I screamed as I crawled to the shallow part of the seawater and felt weak. If only I could attack Crey, but there was nothing I could do. I watched him walk while staggering to the sand. But suddenly, a laser beam surprised him. The sandy ground beneath him exploded, and he hurled away from my sight. Smoke had mixed with the fog and blanketed the beachfront now.

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