Change is Good

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The sharp smell of numbing cream is still present in my nostrils as the nurse stitches up my face.

Every moment I spend in this emergency room I expect Carlisle to come in through the door in his usual doctor outfit and give me a prescription. And every moment I am wrong and again reminded that he is gone.

I am going in and out of consciousness, I lost much more than a pint of blood. The nurse finishes, once again apologizing for the lack of doctors on the premises. Usually Carlisle is the one working night shifts.

"Do you want to explain what's going on now?" Charlie asks me and Bella once the nurse leaves.

"They left, dad." Bella says quietly.

"Be vauger." Charlie says, fed up.

"The Cullens are gone." My voice comes out rougher and stronger then I had intended.

"It's not a big deal." I try my best to sound dismissive.

"You have stitches in your face right now because of them!" Charlie says, standing.

"It wasn't their fault!" I tell him, my voice thick with tears. "It wasn't their fault."

"Hey, it's okay." Charlie says, leaning in to give me an awkward, yet appreciated hug.

"Where is she!?" A voice demands, followed by heavy footsteps.

"Sir, you can't-" I hear the nurse from earlier.

The curtains around us are yanked open to reveal three very angry wolf shifters.

Charlie backs away immideatly, greeting Jacob but not saying a word to Leah or Paul.

"Oh my god." Leah says, pressing very soft, and very hot, fingers to my cheek where the stitches are.

"Who did this?" Paul asks.

"I did. I ran into a branch, it's no big deal." I tell them, trying to wave off their concern and the tears welling in my throat and threatening to reach my eyes.

"You should check on Bella, she's pretty shaken too." I tell Jacob, who immideatly looks to Bella in the corner. She still has her arms wrapped around her torso. Her face is twisted into a very recognizable sour expression.

Now she knows how it feels to be forgotten. A rotten voice in my head says, to which I immideatly feel regret over.

Jacob does what I say and goes to check up on Bella.

"Why are you guys here?" I ask, my eyebrows raising. Leah and Paul share a look.

"We wanted to make sure you were okay when we found out you were hurt." Leah says, her voice dropping. "I know humans don't heal as fast as our kind does." I nod.

"But you drove all the way out here at-" I check the clock, "3:45 in the morning?" Paul shrugs.

"Duty calls."


I stand and look at me and Bella's car.

"Y/N, just get inside!" Charlie yells from the door, and I shake my head.

"We are in need of change, Uncle Charlie!" I call back, about to paint the truck a shade of neon orange.

"Y/N, you're going to regret this! At least don't make Bella suffer with you!" His words spark a glimmer of reason within me, and I realize that instead of painting the car, I can do something way more beneficial.

I drop the giant paintbrush and get in the car.

"Where are you going?" Charlie asks.

"I'm going to the corner store, I'll be right back." I say back, and I pull out and practically speed there.

I get out, probably looking absolutely insane in my pajamas and a tool belt filled with paintbrushes, but I know exactly where I'm going. I run to the hair dye isle, grabbing the most obnoxious shade of pink I can find and run to the other side of the store to grab cheap scissors. I run to the cash register, where a guy from school stands.

I push the contents over to him, which he looks over for a moment before checking them out. I practically push the money into his hands.

"Thanks, Matt." New me even has the audacity to wink at him.

I sprint back to my car, speeding off and probably borderline killing the engine. Charlie is still standing in the doorway when I return.

"You weren't kidding when you said you'd be fast." He says, and I smile at him wildly before rushing to the bathroom.

I unpack the supplies, only putting on gloves for the bleach. I lather on pink hair dye, rubbing it into my new blonde hair. I put it up, having to wait for another 15 minute period.

There's a knock on the door.

"Are you okay in there?" Charlie asks awkwardly.

"Yeah, I think your sink might be stained, though." I respond, still an unexceptable about of craziness in my voice.

"Oh.. kay." Charlie says hesitantly, and I hear him walk off.

In a few more minutes I am able to rinse my hair off, and am very pleased to see that my hair is very, very neon pink. Next is the best part.

I take the cheap and dull scissors and cut my hair to chin length as evenly as I can. There's bright pink hair, and hair dye, everywhere now.

I finally open the door. "Bella!" I shout from downstairs. "I need you to help me clean this up!" The only thing Bella has done for the last two weeks is get up, get dressed, go to school, ace her tests, come home, study, clean, cook, shower, sleep, repeat. No time for dialouge, no time for distractions. At least, I wish she slept. She screams in her sleep, and quite frankly, I'm worried for her. But I have nightmares too, and I'm quiet about them.

She comes down soundlessly, evaluating the mess and immideatky grabbing cleaning supplies. She doesn't even look at me twice, or ask any questions. I think if I murdered someone and asked her to help cover my tracks, she's do it without question.

She wipes the bathroom clean, and low and behold, Charlie's sink is not stained.

"Thanks, Bella." I tell her, and she simply nods at me.

"Edward said not to do anything reckless or stupid." Bella had told me. Well, guess what, Edwardo? I'm going to embody reckless and stupid.

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