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Hey, so, each chapter is going to have a quote here so you get a little sneak peak of what is going on before you read it. Or not, I don't really care. But this will be updated with the new quote a few minutes before th chapter is released so you can look at it first 👍 cool

"Who is she?" - [Incoherent], Forks

"So what are you guys, the vampire club?" - Y/N L/N, The Cullens

"Bats?" - Jasper Hale, Confusion

"We're not going to eat you, Y/N." - Edward Cullen, Vampires

"Yes, Edwardo. It makes the mysterious name 'Edward' sound less creepy." - Y/N L/N, Werewolves

"What was that about? With you and Edward?" - Bella Swan, The Pack

"I thought there was only one stalker in the Cullen family." - Y/N L/N, The Invitation

"Shut your mouth, doghead!" - Y/N L/N, School

"Enough with the loca, Jacob, and I have plans." - Y/N L/N, The Morning Of

"If I could feel pain, that would've hurt, Rosalie!" - Emmett Cullen, Baseball

"They smell similar. Sisters? Cousins? Oh, I'm acting as though it matters." - James, The Coven

"Well now we have shared attention, Edward, you'd know something about that." - Y/N L/N, Run

"I'm hurt that you think we can't handle one or two vampires, Y/N." - Emmett Cullen, Beau Rivage

"I don't know about you, but I could go for a High School Musical marathon right now." - Emmett Cullen, The Call

"Are you kidding? You're the one who almost just succeeded in a suicide mission!" - Bella Swan, Margaritaville

"Well, first of all, I'm sorry that you were having a hissy fit because I didn't call you while I was quite literally on the verge of death!" - Y/N L/N, Port Angeles

"Come get your dog, Y/N!" - Edward Cullen, Prom

"Leave it to the Cullens not to educate their pet humans." - Alec Volturi, The Volturi

"It's only been two weeks!" - Aro Volturi, The New Member

"You don't need a heater, do you?" - Leah Clearwater, Home

"Oh, no, don't stop for me! Go ahead, rip eachother apart!" - Y/N L/N, New Moon

"Edward said you'd react this way." - Rosalie Hale, Not-So-Merry Picnic

"Yeah, I think your sink might be stained, though." - Y/N L/N, Change is Good

"Bella, Bella, Bella!" - Seth Clearwater, Time

"We were dead?" - Bella Swan, The Return

"What can I say? I'm one for dramatics." - Y/N L/N, Sweet Home Volterra

"So while we were dying, you were out taking a pleasant drive to get some gas?" - Y/N L/N, Escape (Again)

"You'd think a girl would get used to this stuff. She never does." - Y/N L/N, The Proposal

"Don't worry, dating older men doesn't bother me too much." - Y/N L/N, Eclipse

"I couldn't forget anything about you if I tried." - Edward Cullen, Pumpkin Eater

"Yes, it is his fault, which is why I'm going to find him and rip his head off his shoulders and then pinch his eyeballs out and then.." - Leah Clearwater, Peculiarities

"Thanks for taking me for the idiot, again, Edward. Now goodbye, I'm going back to sleep you merciless idiot." - Y/N L/N, A Very Big Uh-Oh

"Well, it's trauma central today, isn't it?" - Y/N L/N, Apology

"You never stop to breathe, do you?" - James, Kidnapped

"How could I die right before graduation?" - Y/N L/N, The Battle

"You're starting to sound like Edward." - Y/N L/N, Graduation

"Well I won't do it again unless he takes me out to dinner first." - Y/N L/N, Breaking Dawn

"Welcome to the Hallmark Channel." - Y/N L/N, The Wedding

"I admit this entire thing is mildly selfish, but, it will be funny."  - Carlisle Cullen, Background

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