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I mean, this whole time, who has helped me through? I wouldn't be as where I am right now if it weren't for.. Jasper.

All those times he comforted me, all of the times he cared. He cared about my safety, more than most others. And thinking about this, putting it in perspective- Jasper feels right. He always has. He's just.. right for me.

My eyes dart to Jasper, who is already looking at me. He's got to know how I feel.

For a moment, I want to say something to him- but the words die on my lips. There's no point in it.

Not when the way he looks at me communicates all I need it to.


"Jaz.. I don't think I can do this." I tell him panicked, taking my fingers through my hair nervously. And then when that doesn't work, I cover my face with my hands.

I'm hyperventilating, I know it, which is really bad when I'm about to graduate college.

Jasper peels my hands from my face delicately, taking them shortly after and kissing them.

"Why are you stressed?" He asks softly, and he doesn't even have to use his powers to calm me down, at least a little bit.

"What if I get up there, and the diploma is right in my reach, and then the Headmaster steals it away, and says something embarrassing like, 'You failed your final!', or something like, 'Haha, sike! You thought!'" I say hurriedly, extremely stressed about this.

"Darlin.. you know he won't do that." Jasper consoles me.

"You know he hates me, Jaz!" I argue, trying to bring my hands up to my face- but Jasper keeps them strictly in his.

"But he wouldn't do that." Jasper says pointedly. "And if, by some chance, he does.. You can just tell him to give it back. And then he will."

"You know I don't like using my powers for school!"

Jasper sighs. "Don't you see how ridiculous you're being?" I swallow hard.

"No, I'm sorry. You're not ridiculous. Your anxiety is." He says, kissing my forehead.

"But- but- what if.. if.." I can't even finish my sentence before Jasper is inducing a wave, and a blanket, of calm over me.

"Go get 'em, tiger." He encourages me as I nod, finally taking my seat where I am supposed to.


"Jaz, being here is torture." I complain, smelling all the delicious food but being unable to eat it.

"It's for the atmosphere." Jasper says, shrugging and grinning at me. When the waiter comes, I tell him,

"No one is sitting here. You don't need to serve this table. Go back." And he listens to me and turns around hard, going back into the kitchens.

Jasper just looks at me for a few moments before reaching for my hand under the table and grabbing it. He gently rubs his thumb over my knuckles, and even if we've been dating for three years it still makes butterflies appear in my stomach.

"I'm proud of you, you know." He says lightly, and it's like he whispering it just for us to hear. I smile.

"Which is why I apologize for what is about to happen." My stomach drops, and I think of all the way Jasper could betray me right before Alice, her significant other, and the rest of the Cullen rush to our table, pulling another table to connect to ours.

"Jasper." I sigh, being so relieved that there is no hit man that I don't even care that Edward is here with one of the girls from Denali. Scratch that, I wouldn't care even if I wasn't so relieved.

Alice's partner is just about as energetic as her, and I smile because that's great for Alice. She needs someone like that.

I greet everyone, and I am also met with a congratulations from each of them.

Jasper and I moved to New York City so I could go to my dream college, and we even got Bolte and some of his friends to set a sun protection spell on us. It should be wearing off in a few months.

Which means that we barely got to see anyone. Of course, I stayed in touch with most of them (not Edward.) so there was still communication, but it still felt weird not seeing them.

So, of course, I hug all of them (not Edward).

For the rest of the night, conversation moves very smoothly, and I even become good acquaintances with Edward's new girlfriend. Edward did not seem to like that. Oh well.

Finally, we decide the night should end and we all hug and wave each other goodbye, and me and Jasper get in the car to go in our apartment.

"That wasn't too bad, was it?" I say, and Jasper nods silently, taking another moment to look at me and smile.

We're driving back home, and I feel really at peace. Jasper cares, of course he does he always has.

So, I grin back at him.

A/N okay guys, this is actually the end :( I'll let you all know if there's a continuation of any kind, but I doubt it. I'll probably make another twilight book in a while though, if I'm not too tired of it. but, at last, thank you all so so much for being there for me throughout this book's course. I love you all :)

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