A Very Big Uh-Oh

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I'm in a very delightful sleep when my phone rings. I wake.. barely.. and decide to let it ring out.

That is until it starts again. And again. And again.

"Oh my god! What?" I press anwser on the phone and press it to my ear.

"You need to leave." Edward's voice is firm.

"I should've checked the caller ID." I complain, falling back onto my bed.

"I can hear you, you know."

"Believe me, I know." I snap back, very close to ending the call.

"I'm serious. You need to get up and leave with Bella, now."

"What? Why?" I ask, sitting up again, maybe an ounce more awake then before.

"He's not dead. He's been planning something and we just got wind of it. You need to leave. Go far, far away."

"Who is he?" I demand, really tired of Edward's riddles because it is currently 4:30 in the morning and I have no tolerance for this.

"James, Y/N. Are you happy now?"

"Ugh! James can wait, sleep cannot." I groan, laying back down in my bed.

"Why don't you try to call Bella about this and she can carry me to the car?"

"The reason I didn't call Bella in the first place is because she was going to check who was calling and you wouldn't."

"Thanks for taking me for the idiot, again, Edward. Now goodbye, I'm going back to sleep you merciless idiot."

He's just trying to annoy me. Yes, my God, I know that you got the best of me now stop rubbing it in my face.

I think as I drift again. My phone dings with messages, and sleepily I again pick it up to angrily type to Edward.

Carlisle- Y/N! Listen, I know you're angry at Edward right now but James is planning something big and sinister and you need to leave.

I whisper profanities underneath my breath as I realize that James must really be alive and plotting to kill us.

I get up, rubbing my eyes and grabbing the sweater that Bolte made me, my keys, and my wallet.

I rap on Bella's door before opening it, shaking her awake.

"Bells? Bella, wake up." I tell her gently.

She groans, moving to face me with one eye open.

"What is it?" She responds.

"We're being hunted again. We need to leave." I sigh.

"Uhh.. what about sleep?" Bella whines.

"Carlisle's orders." I grab her unwilling arms and hoist her up.

"Okay, okay! I'm getting up!"

She opens her eyes barely, her hands tunning along her dresser as she grabs her phone.

"Wait, so who's hunting us?" She asks as we walk down the stairs.

"James. Turns out Edward didn't finish him off and now we have to run off for a few days." I say as I scrbble down a quick letter to Charlie telling him that we're on a late notice hiking trip with the Cullens.

"I can't believe this! He calls you at 4 in the morning to tell you he failed us, again, and now we have to run with our tails between our legs, again!"

Bella whisper-yells as we load into the car. I press my key into ignition.

"Is there anything you need before we leave?" I ask Bella. She shakes her head.

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