Honey, I'm Home

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A/N and before you guys come for me again bcs of bella and paul.. I'm just gonna say something. in order for my future plot plans to work, im gonna need some1 to marry bella. and paul is the ONLY ELLIGABLE BACHELOR that you guys had no interest in. so yeah

"You'll have fun?" Bella asks, kissing me on the cheek at the airport.

"Yeah, Bella. I'm just going back to H/T for a few days to visit my parents, you know. It's been a while since I've seen this." I lie through my teeth, giving her another hug.

"I'll be back." I tell her, tuning around and walking towards my flight. My two stop flight to Volterra.

Technically- my lie isn't completely a lie considering my flight really is stopping in H/T to pick up some exports.

But I don't plan on seeing my parents. I'll stay, maybe even sleep at the airport, until the next plane comes to swoop me away to the next stop. And from there I'll get to Volterra.

The first plane ride is over in a few hours, and I disembark in the H/T Airport.

I take a seat, opening a book I brought to continue reading.

"Y/N?" Says a voice. I leap up, turning around to face my mother and father.

"Mom! Dad! Um.. hi. I didn't really expect to see you here." I say.

My mother makes a twisted face.

"Were you planning on visiting? Because it's rude to visit without a least a two week notice, you know. Because you know with me and your father's work that we're never in one place for very long and-"

"I wasn't coming to visit. This is just a stop on my flight." I explain, sitting back down.

"And you didn't think to visit?" My father asks.

"No, I didn't." I sigh. They share a look.

"Well where are you going?" My mom asks, sitting beside me.

"Volterra, Italy. I'm going to go see some friends." I say.

"So you've already moved out of.. um.. what was it called again, Honey?" Says my father.

"Forks. You've already moved out of Forks?"

"No, mom, I'm just going to go visit some friends for a few days." I say, irritated.

"Why are you acting this way? Don't use that tone with your mother." My father scolds me.

"You didn't even come to my graduation!" I break, yelling at them. My dad looks bewildered.

"We recieved the invitation, but we didn't think you would want us there."

"Of course I wanted you there, Dad! Maybe we don't get along too well, but it's still nice to have parents every once in a while."

"Oh, honey, we're sorry."

"It's- it's fine. How about we go get some coffee?"


"Thank you guys for this, really."

"Anything for our daughter."

"Y/N?" Says a voice as I enter the gates if Volterra. I turn, to see Alec in the shadows, his eyes watching me carefully.

"Hello, Alec. I have some things I'd like to discuss with you."


"What.. exactly are you proposing, Y/N?" Caius says carefully, leaning forward, intrigued.

"I'll say it again. Once Bella is married, I'm going to return here and then..then one of you will turn me." I can hear my heart beat in my ears.

"And the catch is?" Says Marcus, as he finally involves himself.

"You've caught me. The catch is- I don't want to join your little club. You'll get full credit, of course, but afterwards I would like to return to where I belong- with the Cullens."

"Accepted, on one condition. If we do what you say- then you must give us one thing in return. Convince Carlisle Cullen to return here. It doesn't have to be long-term, as long as he is only here for at least a few months."

I swallow hard. I can't do that. I can't do this.

"I agree."


"What is wrong with you, making a deal with them?" Edward yells, throwing another book across the room.

"Edward-" Alice tries to calm him, but Edward is beyond it.

"What is your damage? It's none of your business, anyway!" I cream back at him.

"That's my father! And you are my- my-"

"Nothing! I'm your nothing, Edward! Remember, we kind of gave up relationship titles when you cheated on me!"

"That was a misunderstanding!" Edward yells in defense.

"I'm not really sure how you can misunderstand it when you see your boyfriend stick his tounge down your cousin's throat!"

"Jacob looked at you like you were the prize money in the lottery! I couldn't compete with that!"

"Oh, you little-" I take strides toward Edward, but Alice puts her arm out in front of me.

"Guys! Guys! I think we should talk this out."

"I agree." Edward says, avoiding my eyes.

"Y/N, I swear I wasn't going to tell anyone about what I saw. He read my mind, it's invasive sometimes."

"Don't you mean all the time?"

"Y/N, please let's be civil."

"Yeah, Y/N, let's be civil." Edward agrees quietly.

"You're asking for it, Cullen." I point my finger at him.

"You can't go through with this, Y/N. Just get Carlisle to change you." Alice begs.

"I don't want to be indebted to your family any more than I already am, Alice."

"And you think the Volturi won't hold this to you? This is immortality, Y/N. This is forever." Edward says, and unfortunately I have no answer.

"Can I please just be in charge of myself for once?" I say.

"Y/N, if this is about control- you know we would always give you authority." Alice says.

"No, you think you will. But you never do." And with that, I storm out.

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