"Working 9 to 5" (more like 7 to 1)

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The second they landed on Korean land they were taken to the company. Going to LA was like going to an intensive program. Now, they were going to take everything they had learned in LA and put in their music. Yoongi, Hobi and Namjoon had pages and pages filled with half finished lyrics and rushed sentences. Words sprawled here and there to remind them of key ideas. 

They already had ideas for the new album but they wanted to go to the studio to play around with the beats. 

Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook, Jungkook and Dawa went to work on their vocals. They were split into two groups. Dawa and Taehyung together since they had a deeper voice and the rest of them a group since their voices were lighter. 

"Bang Pd Nim would like to talk to Dawa." The vocal teacher nods giving Dawa permission to go. 

Dawa went down the hallway to Bang Pd nim's office. The room had files everywhere, paperwork on every surface. It was clear that Bang PD nim was one busy man trying to get his entertainment under control. 

"Dawa! Good you're here." Bang Pd paused before talking again. "This might be a bit of a shock but your Korean teacher quit." He explained the bad news. His hands were folded. "It's not because you were a bad student...she just had a better offer somewhere else." He clarified, he didn't want Dawa to feel it was his fault. "I want to know if you still feel like you need a Korean teacher, because if you do, I will try to find one for you. But I wanted to ask you what you want." 

Dawa thought for a moment. His dragon shaped eyes always seemed to be squinting, making him look as if he was glaring. Bang Pd found this a little nerve wrecking at first but soon grew fond of it. Dawa thought about how the entertainment didn't have that money to splurge on, and how looking for a new English teacher would mean more work for Bang PD.

"I don't think I need one...I know the basics and I know how to read a little. I will continue to learn on my own." Dawa replied slowly making sure he was pronouncing the words correctly. 


Over the week BTS was everywhere in the building. A few of the training their vocals, another few dancing, and few producing. It seemed that they were all in different places, on different pages. 

On their day off, Namjoon called for a meeting. "I  don't think us doing seperate things is helping us. We should be working together every step of the way. So, from now, the mornings we'll do vocal lessons and working with our voice. Then we can work on dancing in the afternoon and then we can work on producing and recording in the evening." He proposed. Everyone else had sleep in their eyes, barely awake. 

"Sure, Joon. Let's do that." Jin mumbled as he tried to not yawn. 

"Great, I already told the company the new schedule!." He smiled while heading over to the kitchen. 

Right then, Dawa's phone started to ring. He checked the Id Call and then picked up right away. He looked at the other members who indicated they they didn't mind the phonecall. 

"Hi mum. Yes, I'm fine. No, not busy at the moment. Is Stargirl there?" 

"Hey little star! How are you? Being good to mum?" 

"Really? I'll help you. But focus on french first before korean okay? "

"I want learn sign language after I become comfortble with korean." 

"Lucky. I wish I had that. No, I haven't had my cuppa yet. When we I visit, I'll make a delicious cuppa. Okay, good nght little star."

"Hello, you must be Rosalee." Dawa greeted her in french since Rosalee was french he thought it fitting. "Thank you for making my mum happy and looking after my little star. I hope we get the chance to meet one day." As he said it, he didn't give it much emotion. He was grateful that she seemed to make his mother and younger sister happy, but he had no idea who she was. She was a stranger to him, so the last part was a bit of a lie. He knew hat his mum's relationship could end in two ways, the first a happier one where they get married and have a happy marriage. The second, heartbreak. He didn't exactly trust her since he wasn't there to see her in person. 

"You too. Mum. I have to go now. I love you too." And then he finally hang up. 


They were all in the living room. Together, doing nothing. They  had all overworked themselves the past week. Their bodies sore and throat feeling a little on the weak side. 

"What should we do?" Jungkook asked, lifting his head from a pillow. He was cuddled up with Taehyung on the floor, both of them too comfortable to move. 

Everyone stayed silent. "Let's watch a movie." 

And so they all ended up watching a comedy movie called Marriage Blue. Dawa set next to Jin who had popcorn in hand. 

They were all laughing as they watched, Jin laughing the most as he was a real fan of Comedy until he felt a heavy weight on his shoulder. He looked to see Dawa fast asleep. 

"Ha. He even looks mad in his sleep." He muttered smiling. He had to admit though a sleeping Dawa had a cute charm to it despite his pouting, or maybe it was the pouting that made him look cute. 

"Yoongi, take a picture. Quick. And let's a be a little quieter." Jin pointed to the sleeping Dawa.

"Hyung, you're the one who's being the loudest here." Jungkook sassed and the continued to enjoy the movie. 

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