Face Made of Concrete

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Sep 3, 2017

Dawa was left uneasy the entire day. He had finished yet another short story by Yunji Lykaios. He knew that it wouldn't be offputting to anyone else who read it, but due to his own past, he felt lost reading this short story.

Throughout the day, he tried to keep his head empty, and reset, but it was awfully hard. He just couldn't shake the story out of his head. Do-Hwan was starting to get a little worried at the serious frown on Dawa's face.

Ha-Eun was off for the day, which was also another reason why Dawa was uncomfortable. If he had a session with her, he would have definitely told her about this short story. He made a note to talk about it in their next meeting.

While all of this was in his head, he had been working on new songs and tweaking unfinished ones. He wanted to send some of them to Yoongi, Hobi and Namjoon as soon as he was done with it. He stared at the file titled, "For boy scouts". This file had contained the songs, finished and unfinished, for Bangtan since he arrived at this place. The newest, most recent one he was working on, he decided to keep it to himself. That one was personal, the one he played for Do-Hwan, that one had emotions even he couldn't exactly pinpoint. That one was for him alone to perform.

"I should call Yoongi hyu-" Just as he was saying that aloud, his phone started vibrating on the table. Glancing at the ID caller, he picked up, for it was none other than Yoongi himself.

"Hi Hyung." He rubbed his eyes as he greeted Yoongi on the phone.

Yoongi mumbled a hi, Dawa didn't blame him. They were probably working on the new album, during the tour break, and Yoongi usually stays up late working on the songs.

"How are you doing? I dreamt about you and got worried." Yoongi spoke with an undertone of concern.

Dawa tilted his head. 'Must've been one horrible dream for him to call me,' Dawa thought. "I'm alright, I still have yet to sit in the front seat for five minutes. But, everything else is well. I feel much less stressed. How are you Hyung?"

"That's good to hear, you're not just saying that, right?"

Dawa chuckled. "No, I mean it. I feel well relaxed and less anxious."

"Good. I'm functioning, I'm working on a new song but what I had in mind is not clicking. It's actually hard for me to think of anything new."

"Could you send me a file of what you're working on? I might have some ideas that might work...I've been working on some tracks and songs as well, for the band. I don't know if I'll be able to be in any of the coming albums though, I haven't asked PD nim anything yet."

"Yeah, I just sent the file. Also, you should send me the file with the work you've done. And we're hoping you're going to be able to record with us, you don't have to perform or anything. We can cover that part." There was a pause. "The maknaes really miss you, and Hobi keeps pointing out stuff that reminds him of you. Namjoon keeps saying, 'Dawa would've appreciated this biography.'"

Dawa couldn't help but smile. He missed them too. He wished his healing process would speed up. He was waiting for the day when his hands wouldn't sweat from the thought of performing, or the day he can ride in a car peacefully.

"I'll talk to PD nim about it. I miss you guys too. And I'll send the files now. But Hyung, you should sleep. It's really late and I know you have a schedule tomorrow."

"Ok, kid. I'm hanging up first. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Hyung." Dawa hung up as well and headed to his room. He took the book and decided to read the extremely short story once again.

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