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It was nice to stay in a city for more than three days. They had more time in between practices to catch up on sleep and to relax. It also meant that they had more time to prepare instead of trying to pack their career into two days. 

The hotel that they were stay in wasn't big or fancy but the members couldn't care less since they had other things to focus on. Hobi kept on asking to go walk on the streets of LA. They liked the constant sunny weather because it seemed to brighten up the over all mood which made them more energized. 


When they were walking down the street a women came up to them. "BTS?" The boys turned around shocked that someone on the street knew who they were. The boys spread a smile across their faces, proud. "I knew it was you! I'm your biggest fan!" The girl jumped, she seemed to be about 17 years old. "I know all of your songs and I even learned the dances, you're all so cool and talented." 

"Thank you. What's your name? I assume you already know ours." Namjoon spoke for the rest of them. Dawa was looking at his phone since his manager texted the group chat. Everyone else stood there awkwardly smiling, they had some idea of what she had said but they didn't know how to react. 

"Oh yeah, sorry. I'm Kenzie. And I love all of you but I do have a bias." She said getting shy as she said the last part. Her cheeks were getting flushed and her ears were turning red. 

"Oh really, that's cool, do you mind telling us?" Namjoon asked, he was curious. One because she seemed to like all of them, not a select few. You can tell she really was an army. 

"Um...Zero..." She whispered, now looking down at her feet. Dawa slowly looked up from his phone. He stared at the girl, unsure of what to say. He didn't know if he heard her correctly and if he did what was he supposed to do? It was his first time hearing someone say that he was their bias.

The Kenzie looked up again, chewing the inside of her left cheek. "Say something so I won't feel so awkward." She let out a uncomfortable laugh. 

"You're the first." The words left Dawa's lips before he could even think. "I mean um, blimey, it's an honor to be your bias..." Dawa's toes were curled up as he said that and he wanted to evaporate at that very moment. 'What am I saying? I mean I am honored but I didn't have to word it like that!' He was freaking out in his mind while Kenzie was trying to keep her squeals on the downlow. 

"Kenzie wa sit? It was a great meeting you but we must go." Dawa silently thanked Namjoon for cutting in. 

"Bye!" The rest said at the same time as they were turning around. 

Kenzie shouted, "Wait! Zero, can you just say bye in french for me?" causing the rest of them to turn. Dawa tilted her head, confused as to why she would want him to say that but non the less, he obeyed since she was their fan. 

"Adieu, jusqu'a la prochaine fois." He said while waving. Kenzie waved back earnestly staring longingly after Dawa as they blended into the crowd back to their hotel. 


The next couple of days, Dawa felt uneasy. Everytime he was inside he wanted to be outside. Especially when he was in his hotel room. His things kept moving everyday slightly. One day he knew he had his sketchbook in a his suitcase and when he came back it was out. His toothbrush which he always kept in his toilettree bag was next to the sink and wet. One of his favorite shirts was missing.

 At night sleep did not come easy to him so he stayed up, drawing on his tablet, how he felt. He felt like a magnet, he felt like he was attracting something he couldn't see but he could feel it. It felt sticky and gooey. 

He decided not to tell anyone about his discomfort because he didn't want to add to  the stress that the members were already feeling. So, he kept his discomfort for himself. 'It's my problem, I should deal with it. Not them.' Dawa thought one night. He didn't want to look in the mirror or out of the window because he felt like he was being watched. 


"Everyone ready?" Namjoon asked looking at everyone. "We got this right?" 

"Of course hyung!" Taehyung shouted. "We're unstoppable!" He added, smiling cutely. 

"Right, let's have fun and do out best." Hobi added, fixing his in ear piece. 

"2!3! BTS!" They chanted before walking onto stage. The crowd already cheering them on before they even greeted themselves. 


Dawa was so tired that he didn't even bother to take his pill for the car ride back to the hotel. In the car he was already dozing off. Everyone else was pretty quiet, gaining some rest. When they got to the hotel, Dawa, Jimin and Jungkook were fast asleep so Taehyung carried Jimin and Namjoon carried Jungkook in. Jin was about to carry Dawa but upon Jin's touch Dawa awoke, startled. His eyes looking around hos breath heavy. 

"Hey, I-It's Jin. Are you okay? Here let's get you out of the car." Jun spoke softly, Jin understood that Dawa was acting like that because of his history with cars and he understood that Dawa would never be comfortable in a car again. "Here, take my hand." Dawa's shaky hand was now in Jin's strong and reliable hand. 

"Do you want me to walk you to our room?" Jin asked gently.

"No, it's okay, if you need to talk to the others. I can handle myself." He whispered back, too tired to talk louder. Jin nodded. He decided that Dawa could do things himself since he was walking and talking just fine. 

Jin nodded and smiled watching the boy head the other way. "Call me if you need anything, I probably won't come back until a bit later." 


Again, Dawa noticed his computer was open and on the bed. He had put it in his day bag before he left. But he didn't think much of it, he just wanted to sleep and so he headed straight for the bed. Falling deep into sleep as he did. 


After an hour or so, the main door to the room opened slightly. Softly creeping in, careful not to wake Dawa up. She changed into Dawa's favorite shirt and stood over the sleeping boy. Then she got onto the bed, cuddling into Dawa. 

"You smell good, like spice peppermint." She whispered. "I can't believe I finally get to be with you after all this time. Finally you get to be with me. We get to be together." She was now tracing Dawa's nose. 

"From the moment I saw you, I knew that we were meant to be." She traced his lips. Then she went on to his neck. As her fingertips brushed his neck, Dawa caught her hand gripping it tightly. His eyes were wide open and again, he was panting. 

He squinted trying to see in the dark who the person was next to him. "Who are you? What do you want? How the bloody hell did you get in here? Are y-you perhaps lost?" Dawa asked the girl had managed to get out of Dawa's grip. Dawa was searching for his phone and when he got a hold of it the women realized and snatched the phone away. 

She understood that Dawa was stronger than her so before he could do anything, she warped her hands around his neck. "How could you not know your own lover? I did everything for you and you just forget me like that?" She was now angry. The pressure around Dawa's neck getting harder. "Don't you love me? Don't you want to spend forever with me?" Dawa could barely breathe now. He was gasping for air as she got angrier her voice got louder. "I love you but you always break my heart so you deserve to feel what I feel!" She cried. "were going to call 911 on me?  I'm not a criminal, I'm your future wi-"

Just as Dawa thought this was his end, he felt the pressure around his throat peel off him. He stayed there, breathless. Too sore and shocked to move. The voices around him were all just noises to him. He couldn't concentrate. He saw that the security were  holding back the woman. He saw Do-Hwan and Jin walking towards him, and then he collapsed onto the soft bed. 


Got a computer from school for the day! Yay! Good night or morning or afternoon depending on where you are and when you read this. <3

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