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Dec 1st 2017

The 8 of them had all been restless. The way they spoke to each other was harsh and cold. The warmth that they had built between them had chilled. Yoongi refused to talk to Dawa, creating an even more tense environment. Hobi tried to persuade Yoongi otherwise and was always by his side. Jin decided to give Namjoon as much support as he could. Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook were unsure of what to do. They didn't want to be angry at Dawa, but how could they not be? The three felt that Dawa was abandoning them and their dreams.

Dawa was always holed up in a studio, trying to organize his thoughts. Every time he entered the studio, he would make it his mission to gather his feelings up, but every time he left, his feelings spilled out and tangled with itself. He was at a loss.

He still had to convince Yoongi to stay. He feared that the more Hobi hung out with Yoongi, the more Hobi would see things from Yoongi'd point of view. Hobi can't want to quit too. He contemplated, for the sake of BTS, staying.

He stared at the ceiling of the studio. He was alone. No, He felt alone. He checked the clock, it was 5 minutes past 12:00 am.

"I didn't realize so much time had gone by." He sighed as he got up. He missed Do Hwan. Sae-Jun made Do-Hwan take a break. A paid leave. Just for a little while so he could get some rest and for safety reasons. Dawa had almost cried out of relief when he found out the older wasn't fired but was being taken care of.

At that moment he realized he didn't want to go back to the dorms. He didn't want to see all of the sad faces, angry faces, and confused faces that he had caused. The dorm felt too cold now. He much preferred this studio, but then he didn't. The air felt stuffy, and he needed fresh air.

"Maybe I can go for a walk." He thought.


He was standing outside an apartment building. His feet had taken him here without him knowing. Do-Hwan's apartment to be exact.

"Why did I bring myself here?" He stood there. There was a strong breeze and only then, did he realize he forgot his jacket. He let out a chuckle, remembering the time he came back to the dorms without shoes or a jacket, and the members thought he was robbed.


Dawa's heart fluttered at his name being called out. He knew without even turning who that voice belonged to.


Do Hwan could see the sadness in Dawa's eyes, the tears were pooling. As Do Hwan walked closer, he could see Dawa's lips trembling slightly. Do Hwan walked right up to him and pulled Dawa into a tight hug. Dawa wrapped his arms around and held on tight, closing his eyes while letting his chin rest on Do Hwan's shoulder. He felt at home. Dawa could feel the forced-back cries rushing out of him. It felt relieving to finally let out his ugly cries to the world. Do Hwan hugged tighter, letting Dawa stain his jacket with tears. It was all he could do at that moment. Dawa wouldn't be able to talk for a while.

After a while, Dawa's cries mellowed, and then, slowly, he pulled back.

"Here, put this on, and come with me." Do Hwan wrapped his own jacket around Dawa, then zipped up the jacket for Dawa, whose eyes were puffy and red from crying. His cheeks were red too from the cold and the crying.

When they entered Do Hwan's apartment, Dawa felt exhausted from all the crying and it only hit him now, just how much he had cried.

" 'm sorry Hyung, I was taking a stroll," Dawa mumbled to the older, who had gotten him a warm cup of tea. They were at the small kitchen table, which was dimly lit.

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